Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 257 - Leave This Bastard To Me!!

"You attacked and hit me, let me attack and hit you then," he sneered as he was seeing this as a silly game; with the victor already determined.

He suddenly unfolded his wings, spreading both of them wide and sustained the heavy resistance of the air, making his body fly higher for tens of meters before stabilizing and floating on the air like he was surfing the water.

And the next moment, he unleashed his channeled energy inside his body, spraying fire over the surfaces of the buildings and at the ground, setting fire over all his visible enemies to him.

He could simply turn this place upside down with fire, however he wanted these buildings intact as much as possible. After all the presence of such a force with these ballistae here indicated the large size of war weapons they already had!

"Tina, come and help to control my fire," he shouted without looking at her, as he kept attacking here and there, while the attacks over him began to decline fast. In the next couple of minutes, Tina appeared and used her icy breaths to put down the fire, preventing it from spreading over the whole place.

Despite doing that, many parts of the ceiling of these buildings cracked and crashed on the ground, revealing the wonders stored inside.

"A treasure of war weapons, hahaha, I\'m really lucky, hahaha!"

He laughed evilly while his roars shuddered the hearts of his enemies. The first clash yielded in many casualties in the lines of his already scarce enemies, and when he thought he already had it under his control; a monster suddenly appeared in the place.

It was a hideous shaped monster, five heads like tigers, two bodies merged together near the tail, five groups of claws, one pair of long wings, covered with strange sharp feathers, acting each like a thin pointed long needle. As for the whole body, it was covered in scales, partly, and parts weren\'t, with deformed wings, scars and bruises all over its large body; the monster he once saw pictured in statues was real in flesh in front of him.

And it was coming to kill him!

"Leave this bastard to me!"

As he was prepared to receive this disgusting monster, this loud shout came from behind, thundered in the whole place, as a huger winger tiger moved with a great momentum, glaring eyes, averse thick finger-like veins all over her body. Sara was coming, and Arthur saw it was appropriate for her to kill this monster.

So he retreated, giving space for the two to fight while he led Tina to clear the rest of the area of any remaining resistance. The fight ended on the ground fast, but the battle on the air seemed to take longer than Arthur expected.

It wasn\'t because the two sides were equally matched, however it was due to the fact Sara was brimming with extreme hatred and anger; so she used this monster, her most dreaded enemy, to vent on her welled up anger and frustration.

So she toyed with him, toyed in a way that made the scorpion queen be marveled with her as she muttered:

"This tigresse lady is something, I must befriend her and learn some of her vicious nature."

Arthur just sighed, and didn\'t comment, while he took this chance to cancel his transformation, landing over the back of Tina, while addressing the hundreds of thousands of surrendered warriors underneath him:

"I won\'t say much, I killed those who enslaved you, and I can prove to you that I can remove any curse over you and others. Surrender and be ready to join me into that pocket world, or else stay here and live as slaves forever."

His words were perfectly heard, even amidst the wild screams that were full of sadness and hatred coming from the distant battle. The warriors exchanged glances and Arthur didn\'t waste anymore time as he went down, selected the warrior randomly and erased his cursed tattoo in front of everyone.

The reaction he received was expected, as whispers started to spread, and after ten minutes, most of the warriors started to march silently towards the pocket world.

A couple of tens of thousands remained behind, making Arthur sigh. "It seems some people got used to living in bad conditions that they couldn\'t even recognize the blessing of being free, sigh!"

He could easily kill them, but he saw them as pathetic as walking dead, without any soul or ambition. He sighed and just as he was about to order Sara to wrap things up, one warrior stepped forward, knelt on the ground, as he loudly said:

"Esteemed lord, you grace in saving and freeing us is such a blessing we can\'t reject or pay back except with our lives. However we aren\'t the only ones enslaved, we came from many towns and villages in this huge region; and we ask for your mercy to extend over our families and friends as well."

"Oh, so that\'s the case then," Arthur smiled wryly, as he thought they were pathetic masochists, but they were thinking of their people. "How long will you take to bring them here?" he asked, as he couldn\'t wait for so long here, or else the clan might send a huge army; an army the three of them couldn\'t face alone.

"We need a day at most," the warrior said. just before Arthur could refuse, as this was such longer duration than what he had in mind, Sara\'s voice echoed from the distance as she said:

"We need two days to finish our business here."

Her words were the final call here, as Arthur didn\'t know taking possession of this castle was this hard, requiring such a long time. "Alright, you heard the lady. Go and bring everyone, bring everything, and spread the words out there fast. In less than two days, I will move out from here, and won\'t return ever again. whoever wants to be freed must catch up before that."

"Thanks, thanks my esteemed lord and my esteemed lady for your generosity and benevolence," the warrior kept thanking the two and behind him everyone else repeated the same words for a couple of minutes until Arthur waved his hand for them to stop and start moving.

In the next minutes they all moved away, and in less than an hour, the whole place was dead silent, except for the repressed screams of anger and pain Sara was releasing from time to time while hacking in brutality the weakened, about to die, body of that hideous monster.

"Is it alright to let her do that?" Tina softly muttered as she observed the fight for a couple of minutes and couldn\'t keep watching anymore. Unlike the scorpion queen who was glancing without blinking over the fight from its start up till now.

"Let her be," Arthur glanced for a while towards Sara before sighing, "she deserves to have her revenge in her own way. Come, we have a huge place to sweep clean until she finishes the fight."

His eyes shone brightly as he greedily glanced at the nearby partly ruined centered region; picturing all the precious weapons and gears inside, making him drool over them.

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