Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 350 - A New Quest

"Tsk, she is just a human girl with no powers," Sara grumpled before turning to move away while Arthur went towards the ground.

"I\'m the man you are speaking of," the moment he reached the earth, he cancelled his transformation and then made his human shape appear to everyone.

This caused enough stir that looked like a fight was about to happen. "Calm down already, he is true and in front of us in flesh," Nara roared, and strangely enough her sound was echoed in every direction; reaching everywhere!

This scene startled Arthur, making him realize she wasn\'t just a mere human after all. "Sorry about that, but your reputation greatly preceded you," she apologized in a calm tone. "I\'m sure everyone will be glad to comply, yet we have a little problem here we want to solve."

He glanced at her thinking she would ask for benefits for herself. "Speak and I will determine if your requests are fair or not," he said while demoting her rank for many grades already inside his mind.

"This place held significant meaning to us, as our ancestors once were a mighty people. They left a heritage and instructions to never let certain things be away from our sights."

Her words surprised Arthur and managed to pique his interest, "Go on," he nodded.

"These things are our own heritage and secrets. For us, they are just relics with no significance to our strength or desperate situation, except the spiritual place they hold in our souls."

He understood her meaning. "You can bring them with you then, I won\'t mind having different heritages and cultures inside my city."

"This is where the problem lies," she bitterly smiled, "if not for the impossibility of us moving them, we wouldn\'t have stayed here all this time."

"Do you mean they can\'t be moved?" he didn\'t understand her meaning, yet she said, "can lord come with me and check them himself?"

She pointed to a direction with her hand, away from the place of the towns and villages. Arthur didn\'t sense any hostility from her, yet he took out his bow and his own arrows of extermination and held both on his shoulders. "Lead the way then," he smiled.

"Didn\'t know lord has such a taste in bows," her eyes shone brightly the moment he took the bow made by Agnus for him. He inwardly smiled, as he wouldn\'t offer his bow to anyone, even to her!

"You need to work harder to get one like it," he simply replied, and his words carried different meanings for both.

"I will make sure to be qualified," her smile made Arthur think she misunderstood his meaning there. Yet he didn\'t care to correct her and followed her steps towards the distant mountains.

The area was formed of plains, with a river branch coming out from the mountains, diverted into four smaller branches; each went in a different direction.

And she just led him directly towards the area of bifurcation. "Don\'t tell me it\'s the river!" he joked around, and she laughed a sweet laugh as she replied: "No, of course not; it\'s much harder than the river."

He laughed with her and from far Sara glanced at the two while watching their actions. "Did they manage to build that?" she muttered as she realized this girl was far more dangerous than she initially thought.

"I have to wait and see everything before taking a decision," she said to herself before she turned to take another tour around the land, with all her senses focused on the two reaching the nearby river.

"It\'s here," she said, and he just glanced at the area where the river would go into four different directions. "Is it underwater?" he skeptically asked.

"No, it\'s dead ahead of us," she muttered before taking something from her chest; a pure white key.

"Without this, no one can ever find this place," she said before she threw the key to the air as she muttered, "the bloodlines of the ancient Trokas, listen to my command and obey my orders… let us in!"

Just as she said these words, Arthur felt a strange suction force taking him forcibly to the front. The entire world vanished, and another world appeared in front of his eyes; a world filled with ruins, destruction, and death!

"What is this place?" he felt vigilant the moment he appeared here. There was no obvious threat here except from the world itself.

"This was once the place where my ancestors lived, calling it the midland. Legends said they were able to traverse many worlds, harvest a lot of treasures. Yet their demise came swift and only the last few of them managed hardly to isolate this area into such a secluded space."

"Is this a pocket world?" he asked, as this was the closest answer to what she said.

"You can say so, dragonair filthy boy!"

The answer didn\'t come from Nara, as a deep voice appeared coming from everywhere! He felt like hundreds of thousands of mouths spoke at this moment, and they all shared the same thing; they hated him!

"He is my lord, esteemed guardians," she hurried to say before adding, "and he is an enemy to the invaders who destroyed you."

"Lies!" The shout was so loud that it made Arthur\'s body tremble. "A descendant of those savages can\'t be a savior!" again the voices came with such enmity and hatred that Arthur felt so deep and intense.

"I\'m their descendant, that\'s a fact," he said as he realized Nara wasn\'t able to save him from this wrath alone. "Yet I stand in a total opposite direction to them."


"I\'m no liar, and I don\'t know how to prove this to you."

The voices stopped speaking, yet he felt eyes glancing at him. He didn\'t speak, as he waited for their request and test. The world here seemed desolate, and if this world agreed, he could easily give life to it, bring it with him far from here, and let it rise again in might and reputation.

"Each dragonair has a lineage linking him to the old ancestors of ancient time. This is a known fact in all worlds. You can prove your words to me by going in and meeting them."

The voice spoke in such an aggressive manner, yet he felt like they were mocking him.

"Ding! The will of an ancient vengeful world is asking you to prove your honesty. A quest is launched and you can choose to accept or refuse it."

Suddenly his long silenced system spoke. "You didn\'t give me the rewards of my last completed mission," he said, as he didn\'t forget about the reward of his pillar quest.

"Ding! I waited for a good chance to give the reward to you, and now is a good time to get them," the system replied before adding:

"Ding! You did exceptionally well in the quest, managed to gain one hundred pillars from your enemy. Plus, you gained more pillars from more enemies, and even turned one of your deadliest enemies into your pawn.

As a reward, you shall receive the initial one thousand ancient monsters, plus a breeding place to them. You also shall receive the support the world\'s will promised to grant you with, to protect you during your leveling up. And you shall receive two opportunities more for that as a bonus.

You also shall receive the key to a hidden realm, where you can find another vengeful world\'s soul belonging to the mightiest empire once lived in this world."

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