Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 828 - Dealing With The Hostile Force

\'We need to do something!\'

Gege was panicking right now. She tried to support the golden pearl energy and antagonize that berserk power, yet she failed.

\'It\'s rejecting my help,\' she couldn\'t help but say in pain, \'how can we help? Can any of you do that?\'

\'Ding! it\'s not the power that rejects your help,\' the system slowly said.

\'It\'s Arthur himself.\'

\'W… What?\'

Gege couldn\'t believe what she heard. \'How can he do that? If we don\'t stop that power right now, we won\'t be able to save him. He… he… will die!\'

She couldn\'t believe a single word they said and kept trying. She kept assembling all her power, even using the power she stored after the last upgrade.

However no matter how much power she poured inside his body, she couldn\'t keep them there.

The moment any power entered, his body would leak it away. It was like a balloon filled with holes, no matter how much air you put in there, all would escape.

And the balloon would still be left empty.

\'It\'s his decision,\' the golden dragon sighed, \'we have nothing in our power to help.\'

\'But he is in a deep coma! Why is he doing this? This power is killing him!\' Gege was still shocked and now she even had tears. She shouted in agony as if she already lost him.

\'Ding! Have more faith in him,\' the system tried to console her, \'Ding! How many times did he face death and survived? How many ordeals we thought won\'t get solved and eventually he will overcome them all?\'

\'This is different!\' Gege was still in denial, \'he can\'t fight such power back… not a lone. We need to help, why aren\'t you doing anything?\'

Yet all she received was utter silence. The system and the golden dragon agreed without exchanging a single word in between themselves to let her be.

She needed to accept Arthur\'s decision, even if it didn\'t make quite sense at all.

For the two of them, they preferred to help, just like her. In fact the two tried to inject their powers inside his soul, yet they faced the same result.

On the contrary to her, they had keen senses towards what happened, and understood the reason behind all this.

Arthur decided to take the toll of dealing with this power of his own will.

As for Arthur, the moment he was assaulted by that berserk energy, he tried to resist.

He had three forms of power inside his body. He tried, amassed the three and hoped he could control that hostile energy.

However he didn\'t realize he was doing that while he was unconscious. Eventually he failed. This force was something he couldn\'t handle or even oppose.

What caught his attention was the fact that the moment he started to fight this force, it felt like he was feeding it.

The more he threw on its way, the stronger it got. He first didn\'t notice this but after some time he realized something was off.

Then he started to pay attention to what his powers were doing against such force.

From the start, anytime he threw a wave of his power towards that hostile force he would instantly hear a loud sizzling sound that he even got used to.

It was like the two forces were fighting against each other, with his own being crushed and dominated by the hostile one.

But when he took a closer look, paid more attention to even the tiniest details, he could see another thing.

  It wasn\'t as he imagined before. His powers, no matter what kind it was, were all purified once got in touch with that hostile force.

And when he paid more attention he realized it wasn\'t simply purification, but followed by aggressive absorption.

"It\'s… growing on my powers!" he couldn\'t help but be shocked when he realized this. Getting any more fights with such a force meant he would lose eventually.

One way or another he lost all his weapons in this battle. He was simply doomed.

"Gege…" at this moment he felt the relentless attempts of Gege to supplement his golden pearl power. At first he thought he could use her help, but now he has dropped that thought.

He wouldn\'t go on a path that would eventually lead to his downfall.

"What are my options?" He kept silent while assaulting the hostile force from different directions.

He even tried to combine his three powers together and launched a unified attack.

Yet it failed like all other attempts before.

"So I can\'t attack or defend… I have only to succumb?"

He suddenly had this weird thought. Yet he had to confirm it first. He sent again another wave of attack towards that force, but this time he added one more variable.

He sent in a wisp of his soul embedded inside the golden pearl\'s power. His highest form of power was his golden pearl. And it was the only one he could rely on while sending off part of his soul.

He knew if this failed and the tiny part of his soul got smashed by this force, then he would be deeply injured. His soul would take a long time to recover, however he was pretty much sure if he didn\'t find a way to turn this situation over then he was done for.

His soul would be shattered and he would die.

"C\'mon," as he closely watched with great anticipation and much stress, his golden pearl power got smashed as usual with a loud sizzling sound.

However the moment his wisp of soul got in touch with that hostile force, a new change happened.

His wisp of soul didn\'t shatter, instead it found its way so easily deeply inside that power.

"It… entered…" he slowly muttered in deep shock before a mysterious connection was established at this moment between him and that power.

And the next thing he felt was extreme pain and agony assaulting his entire soul.

"Ah!!!" he screamed in unbelievable pain while his soul seemed on the verge of collapse.

"Damn it!" At such a moment he had no other option but to take this risk to the fullest. If that energy wouldn\'t harm his soul, then he would gladly embrace it to save him from this inhumane pain.

The next moment he moved his soul entirely to smash directly with that foreign force.

And like before, his soul managed to pass freely like there was nothing standing in the first place on his way.

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