Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 941 - Emperor Willy

Arthur gave it a little thought before he found this strategy appealing to him.

"Alright, what do you need from me then?" he asked before his system spoke first:

\'Ding! You should go out now and start planting a large number of portals to act like anchors. Also along the path of expansion you will be asked to come here frequently and help with spreading the portals all over the place.\'

\'Just a reminder,\' the golden dragon added, \'we believe that the control over the entire eastern hemisphere is lost or at least greatly weakened.\'

"You don\'t expect me to keep running all over the world like this!" Arthur couldn\'t help but feel cold shivers, "I… want some rest, y\'know!"

\'This is a brilliant chance, we can\'t afford to lose any time for it,\' the golden dragon retorted back while Gege laughed from the side.

\'It\'s time for you to move,\' Gege said before adding, \'I\'ll help in determining the key places of the portals. Also we might need some sort of protection around the portals for any intruders.\'

"What about stationing part of the forces around the portals?" Arthur suggested but the other three didn\'t agree on his words.

\'We don\'t have enough numbers to spread out like this!\' the golden dragon said.

\'Ding! We can\'t even spread out the dragons or the originals. Both are considered your final weapons against any variables,\' the system said before adding, \'Ding! You don\'t expect that distasteful dark angel mage to sit idle and watch you do whatever you like, right?\'


\'I believe setting up a ring of defense inside the entrance of the portals to this garden is the best choice,\' Gege said before adding, \'after all I hold good control over here. And we can use the newly acquired ores and the pillars as well as the monsters and many forces stationed here for training.\'

"Good point," Arthur felt this was the best solution proposed so far, "let\'s go with this then."

\'I\'ve already sent the orders for every force scattered around here to start moving outwards,\' Gege said before adding, \'but there are still many remnants of those mages and monsters. Most of them are surrendering in batches. What do you want to do about them?\'

Arthur didn\'t think for long before saying: "They can take any mages, but all the monsters will be given to me."

\'That\'s good, like this we can turn this world into a zoo,\' the golden dragon joked but no one laughed at his joke.

"Let\'s go," Arthur moved towards the portal that Gege summoned, "I want to finish this task sooner than later."

Arthur already was stressed out. He wanted a few weeks of complete rest and to consider things about his empire.

He knew better than anyone else that he only cared about the military situation of the empire. According to Sara, he had to consider other facts like the well being of his people plus the financial and law status of his empire.

Things like these he had not much experience at after all. He had to do some trials and go through a set of errors to find the correct path to venture upon.

He wasn\'t just building an empire to rule over one world, but over ten worlds. This empire was his own answer towards the ascension requirements, making it more vital to his future than anyone else would think.

The link he would use to make his stretched out empire connected and strong would be his star map. It was a pure luck of his to find this map, like his luck in finding out the garden world and Gege who was lying dormant in it.

In fact he had many strokes of luck since coming here. He even suspected that heavens were acting slightly biased towards him at some point.

And it would look really bad if after all this he would end up losing this conflict for the dark side.

The moment he got outside, he turned around. The entire world was truly burnt to the ground. Even the ground itself showed deep scars of black charcoal.

"This… sigh," Arthur couldn\'t help but shake off his head while feeling lucky to evade such a deadly disaster at the right time. "Where should I go?" he asked before rising high in the air.

\'You can go west for now,\' Gege said, \'I\'ll keep guiding you through the path. You don\'t need to do anything but move around, and I\'ll take the responsibility of planting the portals all over the world.\'


Arthur then followed the path Gege drew for him. However it wasn\'t a smooth ride after all. Just after a few hours, he met the first settlement reigning under the rule of a dark clan from this world.

And this was the first time for him since returning here for the battle of the sect to meet such a settlement ruled by normal mages.

"They aren\'t bad," Arthur stood midair while watching the defensive shield getting activated fast. "They reacted faster than others at least."

\'Ding! I can see a lot of strong mages in this place,\' the system said.

\'It would be a waste to kill them all,\' the golden dragon hinted and Arthur got what he wanted to say.

"I agree… but if they refuse to succumb to me, I have no choice but to kill them."

Arthur started to fly closer to this settlement. Compared to other settlements he crushed recently, this one seemed more like a living place than a military base.

The sheer number of villages and towns here were numbered in hundreds, something he never saw before.

And so it wasn\'t that hard to see hundreds of thousands of mages stationed all around the place. Despite their immense numbers, they looked unorganized and slightly underprepared for a defensive battle.

They didn\'t have a unified wall to surround them. There were twelve walls separating the entire settlement into twelve parts.

And they didn\'t have a citadel or castle in the center to lead their forces. It looked like the mages here came mainly from people living in this settlement, and not regular forces of any clan.

That made Arthur believe more in his ability to gain their trust and loyalty. After all, he lacked a good number of mages, and they could serve as the cannon fodder for any elites required to form a proper army.

"I want to speak with the leaders of this place," Arthur\'s strong voice echoed all over the world while everything else ushered under total silence.

Arthur waited, and didn\'t speak anymore. He didn\'t want to show any sign of urgeness to make this place his.

In the next minutes, he noticed many movements in the enemy lines. It was obvious even from such a far distance that they weren\'t organized at all.

Even having a unified leadership was something that didn\'t exist!

After roughly half an hour of constant movement and even loud and unclear shouts from within the shield, a group of a hundred mages appeared at the inner side of the shield.

They couldn\'t fly! Their power was so mediocre that they only came riding over the local monster\'s backs.

And Arthur simply landed on the outer side of the shield, while looking at the veteran faces in front of him.

"Do you know who I am?" Arthur slowly spoke first while moving his eyes around the group.

They were a hundred, but they organized internally over twelve groups as he expected. Most of them nodded while three took the charge to speak on behalf of the group of these leaders.

"You are the sworn enemy of our world," one of them said with a harsh tone and a long scar on the side of his neck.

"We know who you are," another one spoke and his tone seemed less hostile. He wasn\'t that old, only in his thirtieth perhaps. It made him the youngest leader among those standing in front of Arthur.

And having such power to be here and speak in the name of other leaders meant this mage wasn\'t simple.

"You… we have already sent distress calls for other forces around here. The main base will send a large army, one you can\'t stand against," as for the third one, she was a lady in her fortieth and yet her tone and domineer seemed more brutal than the rest.

She gave him the bloodthirsty vibe of Tina and the scorpion queen. That made Arthur smile before calmly saying:

"Do you believe I came all the way here before crushing that useless base of yours?"

His words landed and the faces of everyone changed abruptly. It seemed like what happened at the main base of the dark angel mage didn\'t spread over these regions yet.

And that just gave Arthur a small idea.

\'Gege, spread out the word to send many letters to every corner of this world… Tell them about the fate of the main base and other bases as well,\' he said before calmly adding, addressing the leaders this time:

"I didn\'t only destroy that base, but any other small base around this part of the world is gone for good."

"Nonsense!" the first mage to speak retorted back in obvious anger and denial, "no one has the power to do so! Not even you!!"

"I\'m not a nobody… nobody," Arthur sneered before adding, "I\'m Willy, emperor Willy. I\'m the one who stood tall and mighty against those dirty leaders of the giant dark forces and forced a defeat over them!

I\'m emperor Willy, one who went by himself to the higher realms and returned in one piece and many victories. Do you want to be my enemy? I can tell you how I deal with my enemies."

Arthur took out his sword before instantly activating his technique, "I only offer my enemies death and utter destruction. If you want it, then keep your shields up.. If you don\'t, then kneel and remove this useless thing in front of my face."

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