Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 972 - Taming The Ores

"That\'s… Good to hear," it was different from what Sara had in mind, but it did the trick.

"But I\'ll need some time to make such an oven," Agnus hesitated before adding, "also do you know how fierce the fire needed for this ore?"

"Well…" Arthur turned to his expert, Sara. But the latter seemed oblivious to such a question. "We can work it out and try the fiercest fire first."

"Works fine for me," Agnus didn\'t disagree before adding, "but we need to speak about the mold. After liquifying the ore, it\'s best to work on it when it\'s still fresh."

"We need to make coins," Sara said, "circular and flat shaped coins. The coin will be in the size of a closed human fist or slightly smaller. It must be not too heavy to handle, or too light to discard."

"Hmm…" Agnus closed his eyes for a second there, "so you want to make this mold to create as many coins as possible in the shortest time, right?"

Sara and Arthur nodded together. After all Arthur wasn\'t planning to stay focused on making coins by himself forever. And Sara would leave as well to solve the other issues regarding the internal structure of his empire.

The currency was just the first and biggest obstacle for now. But there were many other things to handle after that.

"Do you want it to feel cold or warm?" Agnus suddenly asked.

"I want it to give the sense of power," Arthur was the one to answer. He provided his own image about what his currency should be. "Cold coins aren\'t accepted. I want it to feel warm, and better if they give the impression to refresh the person\'s energy and give him the sense of power!"

"Oh, so we need a sort of highly energetic ore here," Agnus turned his head towards the mountain before adding after a momentarily pause, "I get the feeling of tranquility and peace from this ore. It\'s not the one we need to get that feeling you ask for, lord."

"That\'s why we\'ll use the purple ore in the core," Arthur said with a big smile. "The purple ore has all the energy you need to give such a feeling."

"Sounds great," Agnus understood the meaning of his lord, "so I\'ll go in and start working on the ovens. Also I\'ll develop more suited gears to be used in the process."

"And I\'ll start experimenting over the diagrams needed for the purple ore," Sara said.

"I need you to prepare other things needed for your special technique," Arhtur added, "we\'ll work on both ores at the same time to make sure everything is ready before casting the currency."

"I got it, lord," Agnus said while bowing his head.

"Snap!" with a snap of a finger, a portal appeared. Without further ado, Agnus stepped in and vanished.

"Do you think he can do it?" Sara stood by his side and watched Agnus leaving.

"If anyone can do it then it would be him," and Arthur gave such an answer based on his trust and confidence in his man. He then turned to Sara before adding, "now we have work to do."

Sara nodded before she recalled something. "To write we need an ink."

"A strong monster\'s blood perhaps?" Arthur asked while he had two monsters popping up in his mind.

"That will do," Sara nodded, "what do you have? Show me!"

"I have a colossal dragon and a gigantic octopus," Arthur said with a chuckle, "which one do you prefer?"

"Hmm… Bring me both!" Sara\'s eyes shone brightly before adding, "I don\'t know which one will work better."


Arthur didn\'t wait for long before two large bowls appeared out from two portals at the same time.

He left instructions for Gege to take blood from the two monsters. Arthur didn\'t need to enter and take them himself as he had a lot of capable personnels inside his garden world.

"Here," he said while pointing at the two large pots made by Agnus and his group. "This is the dragon\'s blood and this is the octopus blood," Arthur clarified more about the origins of the two bowls.

Sara moved and sniffed the two blood while having a satisfying look over her face. "They… Are simply perfect!`` She was pleased by the two before she took a small cup of her own collection and filled it with both blood.

"You are mixing both?!" Arthur was surprised by her actions. And she nodded.

"It\'s best to mix them both to get better results," she glanced in satisfaction towards the cup in her hand, "now let\'s test it over a purple ore of yours."

"Do you have a certain set in your mind?" Arthur took out a small piece of purple ore and handed it to Sara.

"I\'ll focus on calmness, purification, and sealing symbols for now," she said before adding, "hopefully this will be enough."

"Alright," Arthur then snapped his fingers, "go, it will take you to the peak of the mountain."

"Worried about me?" Sara said it with a giggle.

"I don\'t want you to end up dead," Arthur nodded.

"Alright," Sara passed through the portal and Arthur followed.

"Just wait here," he said before he started to distribute the purple ore in a grand circle around her. He also left a portal next to her while she felt puzzled.

"Are you putting these dangerous ores around me?" She was shocked to see what he was doing and couldn\'t help but ask.

"Despite it being dangerous, the ores are the only thing in the world that can contain the purple fire," Arthur said before shaking his hands to remove the dirt, "if things went wrong, that portal will instantly swap your body. You\'ll come outside this circle. But don\'t forget to let go of the ore you are working on or else…"

"I understand," Sara felt his sincerity towards her safety and couldn\'t help but get touched by it.. She took a deep breath while clearing all the unneeded worries and disturbing thoughts out of her mind.

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