Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 229 Demons of the pas

Chapter 229 Demons of the pas

After mumbling to herself Mia took out a pair of glasses and looked at Kretos one more time. She was now staring intently at Kretos.

\\"His mana capacity is indeed fearful, but it\'s not enough to be him. Also, that guy has been dead for a long time, and he was from a different race.\\" Even knowing how large Kretos\'s mana pool was, Mia went closer and inspected Kretos from up close. Getting a bit annoyed by what she was doing, Kretos spoke while releasing a bit of bloodlust.

\\"What do you think you\'re doing?\\"

Mia was not the least bit bothered by Kretos\'s bloodlust and continued to observe him from up close. Kretos was nearly unable to hold his irritation any longer and was about to strike when Mia stopped and looked at Kretos in the eye and asked.

\\"Why do you think your name is Kretos?\\"

\\"Because of a memory I have, in it, I was called Kretos.\\"

\\"Who was the one who called you by that name?\\"

\\"It was one of the armored soldiers that called me Lord Kretos.\\" Hearing Kretos\'s answer made Mia look a bit more excited. Afeus who was looking at the Professor from the side noticed that look of curiosity of hers.

\\"Describe the armor of that person.\\"

\\"Is this relevant?\\"

\\"Of course, it is! Since you can\'t remember much, every single detail of what you can actually remember matters. So tell me what kind of armor were they wearing. Describe any detail you can remember, even the smallest things are important.\\"

\\"... I think they were wearing red plated armor from head to toe. The helmet they wore had different sizes of horns. In the middle of each of their armor was an insignia of sorts.\\"

Hearing the part about an insignia Mia\'s eyes practically shone with excitement. She almost salivated but was able to hold herself back.

\\"What did the insignia look like?\\"

Kretos tried his hardest to remember what the insignia on the armor looked like. He felt his head hurting but not as much as the first time.

\\"I think it was flames shaped into a sword with bat-like wings.\\" Mia got even more excited when she heard what Kretos said and started pushing away the pile of books as she was looking for something. No longer surprised by her sudden burst of eccentricity, Kretos and Afeus waited for the Professor to find whatever it is she was trying to find.

After mowing down the books and scanning some of them, Mia finally found what she was looking for. She then showed a page from one of the books at Kretos. It was a drawing of flames shaped into a sword with bat-like wings.

\\"Is this what you saw?!\\"

\\"...Yeah, that\'s it!\\" Hearing Kretos\'s answer Mia licked her lips and started to once again mumble to herself. Before she went into her own little world, Afeus asked a question.

\\"Professor, what is that insignia? Is that the insignia of whatever knight corps Kretos commands?\\"

\\"Yes, it was an army Kretos commanded but not this Kretos.\\"

\\"What do you mean?\\" Kretos thought there was a lead regarding his past, but based on what Mia was saying there was more to it.

\\"I mean you might be someone that changed his name to Kretos and remade his army to look like the legendary army of old. OR You could just be from a country that knows the truth, or something else entirely. Well, I need more information to derive a conclusion, but this is getting exciting.\\"

\\"Huh?\\" Mia wasn\'t bothered by Kretos and Afeus\'s confusion as she started to explain things.

\\"You see long ago, in a time that has little to no true records left in this world. There was once a demon who ruled over all other demons with an iron fist. He was the greatest and strongest demon to have ever lived, and he was called Demon Lord Kretos. He was the one who had made all the races bow before his overwhelming might.\\"

When Kretos heard Mia say Demon Lord, he felt something, his heart was thumping loudly and his head was hurting a bit. Afeus, on the other hand, was still looking a bit confused.

\\"Wait, aren\'t Demons those weak guys that keep on spouting love and peace for all races?\\"

\\"Yes, those are the current demons, who have been mixed with different races. But long ago, when pureblooded demons still existed, they had powers beyond anything you could imagine. It was said that they had the magical capacity of faeries, the ferocity in battle of the warbeasts, and the cunning minds of the devil race, that\'s one of the legends passed down by a certain race. Though after investigating a bit, here and there I found out that the demon race wasn\'t a single uniformed race. They had different ethnicities which resulted in different clans that differ from the original demons, each one had different cultures, but all of them had the same origins which made them all demons. Each demon had their own unique traits, like the mythical Oni clan which boasts of physical strength that was comparable to the now extinct giants. There was also the clan of the Ancient blood, which had weak physical abilities but had magical powers that could rival Demi-Gods. There was also-\\"

As she continued to explain Mia got overly excited. This was her life\'s work her whole research revolved around the ancient demon race. Yet the one that truly got her interest from the start was the legendary demon lord. So when she had the chance to share the fruits of her research she couldn\'t help herself. Seeing that she wasn\'t going to stop anytime soon, Afeus interjected.

\\"Wait, how do you know all this? I haven\'t heard of any of this, and I have read most of the book in the library, well that\'s accessible to students, at least. But I do know that everything you\'re saying contradicts everything I have read about demons and their history.\\"

\\"Now that\'s a good question, Mr. Krain. You see history is written by the winners, and in this instance, the other races were the winners and the demons were the losers. Though one may change history to what he likes after he wins, he cannot change the things that have been left behind. I\'ve seen the discrepancies of the books written by humans, and I also had the good fortune of reading the accounts written by the High Elves. Now their version of history is different than what ours is. So after piecing things from here and there together, I found out where all the discrepancies came about. It was a time I have deemed to call the holy war.\\"

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