The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 102: Masters Master

Chapter 102: Master\'s Master

Master, you rationalize me.

This is the first sentence that they burned when they first saw the Tongtian Tower.

At that time, Chu nightning closed his eyes, ink burned him, he picked up the eyelash curtain.

This is also the last sentence of the ink burning when they are separated from the red lotus.

At that time, Chu nightning closed his eyes and ink burned him, but he never looked up again.

In a word, from the Tongtian Tower drifted for half a lifetime, floated to the lotus pond, and finally the dust settled.

These years of hate or love, they are all gone, they are all cold.

The ink burned the last altar of pears, and walked down the Nanfeng of the dead and dying, and went to his last days. On the second day, the Rebels attacked the Wushan Temple, but found that the elders who had been in trouble for ten years were self-destructive and died at the age of thirty-two.

Until now, two generations have passed.

The ink burns open your eyes.

He slept for a night under the flower tree in front of the Tongtian Tower. When he woke up, the whole person was still at a loss, and he did not know what time it was.

He just muttered subconsciously: "Master... you justify me..."

Then he remembered that this life, Chu Yuning, is no longer there.

He used to live a hard life in the past life. Chu nighting was the one who accompanied him to the end. In this life, he did not want to be a wicked person again, but Chu Ning could not see it.

Probably the gods are also unbearable in their hearts, or they may have their own self-containedness in the past. The past life, Chu Ning, has already been distasteful to him, so in this life, he made the first person to leave.

The ink burns his arms to cover his eyes and endures the throat of the throat.

He heard an anxious shout from Xue Zhengxuan in the distance, and the uncle was looking for him. The uncle was shouting: "The burning child - where are you? Burning!"

The teacher is also calling him: "A burning, where are you... you are coming out..."

"Fire, you come back to accompany Yu Heng! You don’t want to do anything stupid, burn!"

Accompanied Yu Heng.

Stay with him...

The ink burned from the ground, squatting, and stumbled.

He can’t get rid of it, he can’t get rid of it - he still has a lot of things to do, and he hasn’t done anything behind the scenes, and he doesn’t say that the change of the sky may be repeated again at any time, and he said that it was a disaster, and the loss of life and death was heavy. Everything is going to happen... Xue Meng has lost his mind and hurts, and he can’t climb again. He can’t get rid of it.

He endured and groaned.

He told himself that it was painless and not painful.

The death of Chu Xiaoning, he experienced more than once, no pain.

No pain......

But how can it not hurt!

More than 3,000-level long-term, he carried him back and crawled back, how could it not hurt...

Exhausting the last little spiritual power, giving the whole body the spiritual flow to himself, how can it not hurt...

Obviously, I have suffered the same injury. In order not to drag the apprentice, I will make a look of desperate feelings and leave on my own... How can I not hurt?

There is also the past life, the injury suffered by Chu Xi Ning is actually the same as that of the teacher, but he does not say it. He does not say that the ink will not know.

He still screamed at the night of Chu, and vented his endless hatred towards Chu, and he turned the chasing of his bag to the ground when he was injured.

Chu night Ning stumbled in front of him, bowed his head, went to pick it up one by one, and all lost.

How... maybe... no pain...

How could it not hurt? !

He dug the heart of Chu nightning! How could it not hurt? ! how is this possible......

The ink could not go down. He had endured for a long time in the same place. He had been calm for a long time, and his body was shaking and he was shuddering.

it hurts.

He buried his face in his palm, clenched his lips, and swallowed the crying and dripping blood.

After a long, long time, he barely smoothed his mind.

He looked up, his eyes flushed, and then took a deep breath, slowly, and walked down the endless long steps.

Can’t fall.


"Fire, where have you been? You have to die in eagerness. If you have three long and two short, what will you see in the next nine springs?"

"I am not good." Ink burned, "I am fine, let my uncle worry."

Xue Zhengxuan shook his head, I didn’t know what to say, only patted the shoulders of the ink, and said after a long while: "Do not blame you, don’t blame you, you are much stronger than Menger... oh..."

The ink burned hoarsely and asked: "What about Xue Meng?"

"Sick, high fever does not retreat, just took a medicine to sleep, but fortunately, I fell asleep, he cried and cried, how to persuade can not persuade." Xue Zhengyi looked very tired, "infernal hell, crack in the real world The uprising was stirred up. The Shang Xiu community also began to send people to pick up the matter, but the people behind the scenes were extremely clean. The color butterfly town was almost flattened in the **** battle, and it was not a half-point clue."

When I heard the news, the ink burned did not feel anything strange. The person’s ability was obviously beyond the expectations of the people, even outside his expectations.

Those who can have a good life in the late Qing Dynasty will easily drop their handles when doing things.

"Upper practice, what are they going to do?"

Xue Zhengxuan said: "For this matter, they decided to set a good example and negotiated at Lingshan. I will start tomorrow... But Menger looks like this, I really can’t worry..."

He said that it is a good thing, the color of the town of the butterfly, even the world’s first great master, Chu, Ning, all of them are in the midst of life, even if the upper repair world is indifferent, it is impossible to sit idly by.

"Who is the person who opened the enchantment by the law?"

"Why is he doing this."

"What is this person’s next move?"

These three questions are as if they are in the hearts of everyone. Everyone wants to know the answer. But after a long period of investigation, it is still impossible to do anything. There is no way, only to join hands.

Ink ignited: "Uncle, don’t worry, send everything, I will help my aunt to take care of it."

"That’s good, then it’s good... oh... you have suffered."

Xue Zhengxuan left, and Xue Meng was not obsessed with the whole day. The backlog of the backlogs all fell on the shoulders of the ink.

The ink burned all over the body, and did not dare to have a moment of burnout, because as long as he stopped to think and stopped to take a break, the intense pain and regret would drag him down the abyss and torture him to be broken. The soul of the soul. He hates to go to the front of the day and night before, so as to get rid of the heart and endless shackles and torture.

When there is no hell, the yin is full of yin. Many of the sorrowful demons have returned to the rivers and lakes by the East Wind, which is harmful to the Quartet. These days, the letter of request for help from the dead and the dead has piled up into a hill. The ink burns busy, sleepless nights, often rushed to Danxin Temple at dawn, and went back to rest in the middle of the night.

However, even in this way, he will still be in the sea of ​​Wang Yangshu, cold and unprotected, by the pieces left by the late night of Chu.

"... Qing Zhuangxing makes waves, and Fengling Village has 82 families who are old and weak. They are fortunate to have the armor of the Elders of the Elders, and they can temporarily slay evil. But it is not a long-term policy, please also... ..."

The tears of the candle slowly slipped, and the lamp core burst into a string of fireworks.

When the ink burned back to God, I was shocked that I had already stayed in this book for a long time, and my fingers rubbed the words "night tour god". I remembered that the red lotus water 榭 榭 楚 晚 晚 晚 晚 晚 , , , , With a sickle, focus on the appearance of the tung oil on the mech.

The ink burned and sighed, and the fingertips were placed on the forehead and gently licked.

I heard someone knocking at the door.

"What is the teacher?"

The beautiful young man in the pale white dress came in, put the tray in his hand down next to the ink burning case, curled up the candle, and then sighed: "A burning, busy for a day, eat something."

"...just fine."

The ink burned and smiled, put the file down, and pinched the faint painful eyebrows.

"I stewed a bowl of ginseng chicken soup and fry a few dishes and stir-fried." The teacher sifted the dishes and tried the temperature across the bowl. "Fortunately, they are still warm."

The two of them ate the meal, and the teacher saw his forehead smashed and scattered, lining up a handsome face quite a bit, and then reached out and licked for him.

"A burning."


"Last... what do you want to say to me?"

The ink burned in the head, and I didn’t respond. I looked at him and asked, "Which day?"

"..." The teacher licked his lips and hanged his way. "It was the day of the day."


"You said that you are going to help... the helper respects the sky, there is a saying, if you wait for you to come back, I want to tell me, then..." The voice gradually went down and the head went down.

In the bonnet of the lamp, the earrings that are crystal clear like snow seem to be a little red.

The ink burned for a long time, but he couldn’t speak for a long time.

For the teacher, he feels that he is undoubtedly deeply loved, but he really does not have this mind at the moment, not at all.

He is indeed stinky and shameless. He does not care about the world’s criticism. He does not know what the number of gifts is.

But this does not mean that he has no heart.

"I can’t help it." After a long silence, the ink burned softly. "I feel bad in my heart. I think... It’s not the time to talk about it, so I will tell you later, okay?"

The teacher raised his face, and a pair of beautiful eyes were full of sorrow.

The ink burned and smiled, reaching out, hesitating for a moment, and licking the hair of the teacher: "I am always stupid, and there are so many things to deal with these days, I... I don’t know when I can be quiet. Let’s make everything clear. I am afraid I am too hasty."

Rao is warm with candlelight, and can’t cover the teacher’s face and gradually pale.


After a pause, he suddenly laughed.

"A fire, when life and death parting, life is critical, I thought you have to say, is a well-thought-out thing."

"Yes." The ink burned and frowned. "I have been in my heart for a long time. I have never changed it, but..."


"...but not now."

The hand squeezed into a fist between the sleeves, and the ink burned.

"Not now, Shi Yan. You don’t know, that’s a very important thing. I don’t want to tell you in such a difficult situation, I..."

"Little Lord!"

Suddenly a subordinate sneaked in and found that the person who handled the martial art in the Danxin Hall was smoldering, and he was busy bowing his head and saying: "Ah, Mo Gongzi."

Suddenly interrupted, the thin red on the face of the teacher also retired, and the sleeves were folded, and the body that leaned forward sat back again. The whole person became faint and looked very plain.

The ink burned did not notice his emotional changes, and raised his eyes: "What?"

"There are VIPs visiting outside the mountain gate, special and special to play."

“Guest?” said Mohburn, “The top ten sects have face-faced figures who are now in Lingshan. Where are the guests?”

The disciple seemed to be afraid of fear, and the whole person was incoherent. After a long while, he blushes and says, "Yes, is the master of nostalgia!!"


Even when he stepped on the emperor, the ink burned and stood up, and the teacher was shocked.

"Master of guilty?"

No wonder that the ink is so shocking, this master of guilty conscience is a person like a legend in the realm of comprehension.

This person has already been cultivated as a positive result and should be promoted. However, when the door of the day was opened to him, he stood up and said that he could not break the red dust, and he couldn’t put his life to obscurity and could not clean the sins of his early years. Eventually the skylight disappeared, the lotus blossoms withered, and the master of sinfulness smashed the old, and the awnings were light, and they drifted away, and they never became immortals.

After he refused to fly, he went to the Wushou Temple to retreat and meditate. It has been a hundred years since the eyes turned.

A hundred years later, the realm of comprehension only heard its name and did not see anyone. He has seen his predecessors on the rivers and lakes, and there are only a handful of them.

In the last generation, the smoldering of the world has made a lot of troubles in the world, but it has nothing to do with the master of sin. Because the crime of sin is really too old and too old, the year before the end of the burning of the extreme, he has been in a spring rain, no one knows that he enjoys the birthday.

After the rebirth was born, the master of guilty crimes would visit in the middle of the night.

For a time, there were countless thoughts flashing through my mind, though I don’t know what he was going to do. But for a time, the ink burned back to those rumors about the master of crime.

I am guilty... I am guilty!

How did he forget the master of guilty!

When the former teacher lost his life, he was so shallow that he did not know that there was such a thorough predecessor in the realm of comprehension. After he went to the throne, he listened to the following people’s reports and learned that one of the three major bans was reborn. There are people practicing in the world.

That person is guilty.

He was anxious to go to the Temple of Nostalgia and invited people to come back. He wanted to return to the soul for the teacher. But when the returning person returned, he told him that the master had already passed away. He missed the last chance to make the teacher reborn.

But this legendary figure is still alive! Still alive! !

How did he forget it! How can I forget?

The smoldering heart trembled, and the whole person started to shake. He slammed up and his eyes lit up. He said, "Come on, please come in!"

The disciples who came to the pipa had not had time to promise, and the ink burned again: "No, I still go outside to meet him." Without taking two steps, I suddenly saw a yellow flash outside.

The candle did not move and the fire did not move.

The wind did not rise.

No one saw it, and even his eyesight was like a smoldering, and he did not see how he came in. A monk wearing a brawl, a pipa, and a half old man was standing in the Danqing Hall.

He is like a thunderbolt, and the stop position is just in front of the ink, and the distance is a bit awkward.

"Late the night, don’t try to move the donor."

A low and gentle voice slowly came out from the bamboo mouth, and the ink burned and the teacher heard it. They were all shocked.

This voice, where is it like a centenarian?

When I was not thinking about it, I saw that the monk was in addition to the greenery. In the lights of the hall, I saw that it was a man who was about thirty years old. His life was clear and clean, his eyes were burning, his eyes were burning, but he was not forced, but he was peaceful. Clear, as if the river is condensed.

" are......"

The monks clasped their hands together and bowed a low ceremony: "Amitabha, poor and guilty."

No one expected that the guilty master was at least a hundred years old, and he was even younger than Xue Zhengyi, and he was dumb.

But ink burning and practice are not stupid. He thought that the crime of sin is to give up the people who are flying up and keeping the mortal. Except for the last birth and catastrophe, this is no different from the gods, so my heart is slightly slower. But the eyes are even more unable to move away from him.

I don’t want to disturb more people, so only three of them sat in the Dan Heart Hall. Ink burning personally gave the master a hot tea, took over the guilty, thanked, but did not drink, only put the tea on the rosewood small, and then slowly looked up.

Although he is very gentle and polite, he does not bend around, but he goes straight into the road:

"Ink donors, please forgive me, but the poor are coming today for an old man."

The ink burned heartbeat quickly, and he felt dizzy in front of him, and the knuckles snapped the corner of the case. The strength was so big that he almost crushed the table.

He stared at the face of the master of sin, and the words of his predecessors came again like snowflakes.

"It is said that only one person in the world has succeeded in making the rebirth of the three major bans, but the rumors are rumors after all, and I don’t know if it is true or false..."

"Where is the master of crimes? Even if I pay more, I will save the teacher and come back!"

"I don’t know, I don’t know, I have been guilty... I have lost my mind many years ago. He hasn’t written anything in his life. About rebirth, he only left a sentence of "reverse life, sinister." Words are not saved..."

Those piecemeal words rushed through the auricle.

"The master of guilty sins knows how to reincarnate."

"In the rumor, he can communicate with the ghost world. If he is still in the world, the Mingjing brother may be able to repay the soul, but unfortunately, hehe..."

"The master of guilty crimes is the ghost that is still in the sun, and the yin and yang things are not around."

The ink burned a deep breath, and I was shocked to see that my voice was a little trembling.

"The old man...the old man..."

He muttered, his eyes squinting at the clear eyes of the master of guilty.

When the ink burns lightly, the mosquitoes lick and even ooze out the fine sweat. He whispers: "Who is the old man?"

The monk slowly stood up, and there was no shadow under his feet in the dim candlelight.

The thin yellow robe sleeves hang down, the clothes are half old, but there are no folds, and it is like a ghost in the wind. This master really taught people to look down on the road.

The ink burned can hear his own heartbeat, and he couldn’t help but stand up with the guilty sin. The two looked at each other.

"Master." If there is a mirror hanging high at this moment, he can see his own eyebrows, but he does not consciously give birth to a little extravagant hope, and because of this extravagant hope, he again asks, "Who...for the sake of..."

is it him?

is it him?

Suddenly, I lay down my eyelashes and sighed in a sigh: "The little girl is late in the night, and he is seven days ago. Tonight is his night of returning to the soul. The poor can’t bear the white hair to send the black hair, especially to the death of the dead, and seek the mercy of the donor. I still have a child."

The author has something to say:

Xue Mengmeng: "..."

Xue Mengmeng can’t afford to be seriously ill.

Can only pick up the two dogs in the system crash: crabs and crabs "there are joys in the world" "no prajna" "erya" "I will send love to the moon" "big white cat’s boyfriend" "every day want to eat meat package "Xie Shenyan" "Music fan soup" "high-cold alpaca" "Shen Xuan" throwing mines ~ "氪金不氪金" throwing grenades~

Today, Weibo has an illustration of doublesaya little cute and frosty one sword 捅 meat package~

There are cute puppies and handsome masters, mentoring and four groups~ Welcome to step on ~ crabs and two big babies! What?

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