A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 219

Actually she really does not want to have anything with Yu Ao Tian’s woman, but now she cannot endure anymore, frustrated! After she said she loosens Shang Yun Yin’s wrist.

“Ao Tian?” Shang Yun Yin isn’t an idiot, she can feel something in Yao Yao’s words. Coldly she turned her head and looked at Yu Ao Tian.

“She is my lover.” Yu Ao Tian who is silent for this time finally speaking up.

She can see how stranger in his eyes, compare to two years ago when first they met, this is even stranger more.

Yao Yao really suspicious, did this few months her interaction with Yu Ao Tian, was all of it just a dream, now it feels both of them seem never know each other before? Or he is still angry because of Feng Chen Yi? Or perhaps, he is afraid of his current girlfriend jealous, so he is acting alike stranger?

“Oh… so this is the case.” Shang Yun Yin smiles: “Little Miss, according to the first come first queue, I might don’t have standing point, but… you are only Yu Ao Tian’s lover, while I am his girlfriend, this kind of relationship, the dummy also understand?”

She understood, lover is no matter in what kind of circumstances still outsider. “Please you understand one thing, today my coming to here not for fighting for whatever, so that just now whatever you did with him, I see nothing. If you really think you are capable, you can ask Yu Ao Tian to dump me quickly!”

When Yao Yao is talking these things, Yu Ao Tian eyes are gleaming dangerously.

Shang Yun Yin not even can say anything.

“Alright, it seems today nothing will give result for this conversation. Disturbing both of you.” She is smiling sweetly, as if nothing is happened and then leaving the villa with chin up.

It can be said, whatever Yao Yao did today is extremely satisfying, there is no slightly little girl, and on contrary she showed such majestic aura, not losing control of herself.

“Ao Tian, your lover she seems being spoiled to much by you.” After Yao Yao left, Shang Yun Yin curved his mouth upwards.

Yu Ao Tian is tied his necktie, slowly walking in front of her: “My matters… there is none of your business! Others, you perhaps mistaken one thing between us, you are… only my one night stand lover who turned be bed-mate.”

“Yu Ao Tian, you!”

“Sst, calm down.” He smiles sinister extended his hand, caressing Shang Yun Yin’s face: “When I still feel some freshness from your body, you better don’t do thing that I hate, or else, the consequence you would be ever face it!” after said, he swaying her face, turned his back and left.

Her eyes are staring at Yu Ao Tian who is leaving, Shang Yun Yin at this moment finally witness what the rumours spread that, cold blooded, heartless, mood swinging Yu Ao Tian.

These three days both of them are always close and playing together, doing lovely-dovely. But that time she thought Yu Ao Tian wasn’t as scary as rumours said, she thought he is easy to defeat. But now, thing has changed…

“Ha, just as expectedly with the spreading rumours he is heartless cold-hearted man. When doing he is sweetest than any lover-couple, but once he turned his face he could be stranger than stranger. But, really interesting!” her mouth is curved up smiles deviously, she turned her body and sat in the sofa, excitedly and also with high-self confident she murmured: “Not disappointed he is the man I Shang Yun Yin likes. What to do? Yu Ao Tian, I really love you more and more!”

“Xiao Meng Li?” Long Ye is driving his sport car, entering the villa’s district, when he at the entrance, he spotted at Yao Yao who is walking out, he lifts down his car window, hurried waving his hands: “Xiao Meng Li!”

“General Manager Long?” Yao Yao hurries walking to Long Ye’s car side: “Such coincidence.”

“Haha, I had called by Long Qi, I come here to have talked with Yu Ao Tian. After I think, he must stay at here.”

Part 2 (Two)

But, starting this moment, this place isn’t her place anymore, she is awkwardly smiles: “Hahaha.”

“Just in time, I have questioned to ask you, you get in car first.”

Yao Yao is pulled the car door and sits down; Long Ye is slowly stopped his car at street side. “Actually, after your open study session ended, I could feel Yu Ao Tian was little bit odd, actually what did you do, offending him?”

After the open study session ended? Was it during the time when Feng Chen Yi celebrating her birthday? “During that time, I, I didn’t meet Yu Ao Tian.”

“En? It was strange. When your open study session ended, Ao Tian was clearly rushing to the sport field to find you.”


Rush…rushing to the sport field? Did he witness by himself between her and Feng Chen Yi?

No wonder since went home from the police station, Yu Ao Tian was speaking with certainty in his every words. “He, he… went to sport field to find me, for what?”

“Of course he came to celebrate your birthday.”

“To celebrate my birthday? Didn’t he celebrate Miss Mo’s birthday?”

Seeing Yao Yao surprised expression, Long Ye is smiling warmly: “So that was what Yu Ao Tian told you? That day wasn’t Xue Tong’s birthday, perhaps he wanted to give you surprise, so that he told you in such way. He was dragging me to accompany him to choose present last few days ago before your birthday. Just to let you know, that was first time for Yu Ao Tian to choose birthday present for girl.”

‘Said, Ao Tian, what happen to you today? Why are you taking me strolling with you?’

‘Next few days that little thing will celebrate her birthday, so that I want to choose present for her, you help me to take a look.’

‘Ugh, you bring me to take a look? Are you alright? Both of us are mature-grown up men, you should bring Xue Tong to help you?’ but at the time when Long Ye is recalled the memory: ‘Something fishy, Ao Tian, normally you are hate to choose present for woman, aren’t you? Every times when your women birthday you always give them your card, what happened to you today, after all you choosing the birthday present by yourself for Xiao Meng Li?’

‘You less speaks nonsense, hurried, help me to choose!’

Indeed, this is the first time for Yu Ao Tian to choose present for a girl, he who is normally impatience with women usually only give a card or cheque for his women and let them spent it.

And then, that was the first time for Long Ye to stroll in the shopping mall for 2 hours, finally he chosen one beautiful necklace. Unfortunately…

“Huh, since he came back from the sport field holding the present which actually must be given to you as birthday present is threw, even the Pub which being booked in order to celebrate your birthday, finally only attended by few of us, let we playing.”

After listened to Long Ye, Yao Yao mind ‘open’ as if something one exploded sound inside her head, finally she could feel Yu Ao Tian feeling when seeing she with Feng Chen Yi together.

No wonder he could…

What to do?

She really never thought she who never told Yu Ao Tian about her birthday but after all he still knew it, furthermore he still choosing present for her by himself, prepared surprised for her.

These days when she staying together with Yu Ao Tian, is not that she never seen his impatience towards women, she also could feel he is type of man who won’t be enough with one woman. But why must he do all these things for her?

When she thought to this point, she could not help herself to weep and mopping, her eyes are moisten and she could not control herself to let out her crying voice, she really does not know why Yu Ao Tian do all this thing, but more she thought about it more she could feel her heart hurt and pain, the pain let her to recall all those memories when she staying together with him, those days.

There is bitterness but at same time sweetness in her heart, she tried her utmost to release out all the bitterness and let the sweetness stays, but every thing that makes her happy really stick to herself, unforgettable.

“Xiao Meng Li? Are you crying? You don’t cry ah, I feel afraid to see girl crying, especially little girl like you.”

Trying to stop her tears, she is forcing herself to give smiles: “I, I am okay. General Manager Long, I feel little bit uncomfortable I will back to school.”

Part 3 (Three)

“Mm, oh, oh yeah…” suddenly Long Ye remembered on something, he takes out a beautiful box from his pocket: “This is for you!”

She is slowly taking it, curiously she frowning: “This is…”

“You take a look first.” Long Ye is mysteriously wink his eyes.

She is so curious; opening that beautiful box, inside it is a classic key diamond necklace from Tiffany, why Long Ye gives this for her?

“Do you like it? It is for you.”

“Ah?” she is surprised and open-wide her mouth, hurried she puts the necklace back to Long Ye’s hand: “No, No, General Manager Long, I…I can’t have it, thank you… thank you for your good intention.”

“It is okay, just thought it as our token of love when we are having an affair at Yu Ao Tian’s back.”

Seeing at Long Ye devious expression, at sudden Yao Yao expression changed to be serious: “General Manager Long, does this necklace is birthday present which Yu Ao Tian wanted to give me?”

At sudden, Long Ye good looking face which is smiling deviously stunned: “How can you know it?” he sees Yao Yao not really happy, so he wanted to tease her little bit, but never thought she could guess it right at an instant? No wonder the 200 IQ little girl isn’t sham.

“Haha, because I believe the friendship between General Manager Long and Yu Ao Tian.” At the beginning she is so curious why Long Ye told her these things, but after she listened to Long Ye last words, she has already made guess this necklace must be birthday present for her from Yu Ao Tian. If… Qi Lian sunbae can have same feeling alike General Manager Long about Yu Ao Tian, thing must be best. “General Manager Long, didn’t you tell me this necklace had thrown by Yu Ao Tian, did you?”

“I have used all my effort to bring it back from a pair of couple who took it before, after all… this is the first time for Yu Ao Tian bought present for girl. This has memory value things, what a pity if being lost?” after said, Long Ye expression suddenly changed to be so serious: “Xiao Meng Li, perhaps there is thing that I mustn’t get involved in yours matters, but… I hope you can cherish and take good care of this ‘necklace’.”


Now the sceneries when she was barging inside the Villa flowing in her mind, her ears feel burning hot when listened to Yu Ao Tian and his girlfriend conversation before.

Who can tell her, what must she do in order to ‘cheerish’?

Her eyesight is glancing at that necklace inside the box, her heart is tightening, these three years she must play her role as a good lover…

The coming days, because of Qi Lian Ao Yun’s matters, Yao Yao becomes victim for all female students at school.

“Yao Yao, how will you settle this thing? What did CEO Yu mean by giving you to his younger brother? Really must be praised him, this thing he even could do it.”

She is also wanted to settle down this matter, these few days she is trying to contact Yu Ao Tian, but he seems to avoid her, she went to the company, he left; she went to his house, he wasn’t there.

“Now I could not contact Yu Ao Tian, so that I am trying to change Qi Lian sunbae attention.”

“En, this is good too. I accompany you go there.” Both of them are holding hands walking to school entrance, simply to say heading to the seniors’ area.

But at this time…

“The Majesty Queen is coming!”

“Impossible? Really?”

“Really! Really! Just now I have spotted her sport car parked in school parking area, if you are not believe all of you can wait for moment, must be able to see Majesty Queen!”

Countless of Senior students are packed on the hallway to entrance, as if they are coming to greet great person with expectation eyesight’s.

Yao Yao also wanted to cramp inside but she could not.

“What is going on?”

“It seems the school legendary person is coming to school.”

Seeing Gong Xiao Man’s eyes which is filled with expectation, Yao Yao also curiously blinking her eyes: “What legendary person?”

“I did also know it from the school discussions. As the rumours said she is big missy from one of four great mafias group, not only she is beautiful but she is also quite smart. The most legendary is, she is good fighter too one person can fight with ten men. But, one year ago, because her health problem she was taking school leave. She backs to school, Yao Yao how if we are also take a look this legendary senior sister how her looks?”

Cold sweat

Although she does not want to see, all the seniors are coming down and blocked her access.

“Faster, faster, Great Majesty Queen is coming!” following at the sound, all eyes are gathered to see at the graceful figure which is walking not far from there.

Her brown wavy hair is swinging follows her walking pace, she is walking alike model but with domineering aura.

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