A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 404

“Haha, then trouble you Vice CEO Long.”

“It supposed.”

Both of them were asking the Demon’s lair to the two brothers and then they brought about ten men of Yu Long Group to pass over mountains to the village exit heading to the demon’s lair! azurro4cielo’stranslation

After they arrived to the destination, outside there was no one, simply to say the quietness was little bit scary.

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

A group of men are boldly walking in front of the entrance, it is only a huge manufacturing plant caught by eyes.

Walking to the manufacturing plant inside, high-tech manufacturing machine still running, but there could not find any of shadows. This is translated by azurro4cielo.wordpress

“Mr. Long, we have searched and checked inside the manufacture, there is no one. It was only few of death body, moreover we have checked none of them neither Mr. Yu nor Miss Luo.” Azurro4cielo

“Hah, they withdraw quite fast, it seems here really Zeng Kai Rui’s ‘Black Military Force’.” Long Ye cunningly smiling, his body is leaning on handrail while his eyes gazing at the running machine. Being able to find Zeng Kai Rui’s secret military base is a bonus, but to find out Yu Ao Tian is the priority.

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Searching, it seems that once again caught in a deadlock. Feng Chen Yi who is standing beside narrowed his eyes, his eyes are wildly searching. This is translated by azurro4cielo

Suddenly, the pair of his cold eyes locked at one big pillar, hurried he looked over….

The pillar is tied with bomb, the monitor clearly display there still 15 minutes time: “Faster retreat!”

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

“Hah?” Long Ye confusedly looked at Feng Chen Yi.

“There is a bomb, faster retreat!” He said. azurro4cielo.wordpress

Long Ye’s face dimmed, he brought out Yu Long’s men who followed him and also Feng Chen Yi to get out and running away outside the manufacturing.

Once they stepped out from exit door way….

‘dor dor dor!’ there was an explosion sound also followed by two or three attacks, the entire island into crumbling situation. Here are huge big dark clouds….

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

The other side. Azurro4cielo translation.

‘Yu Ao Tian, now I can clearly feel, my life, you know it more than myself, can you tell everything to me since my life is nearing to end?’

‘Since you have forgotten everything, why must you recall it back, you just need to remember that I am the person who killed your mother, you just need to remember… come and find me for revenge it is enough…’

“Ah!” a screaming sound, Yao Yao suddenly wake up and sit straight, the first thing that caught by her eyes are room that not too big, she also felt a sense of vertigo.

Where is it? read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

She vaguely recalled Yu Ao Tian was hugging on her when both of them jumped from the cliff, and then they fell to ocean. The impact of that action gave her sudden dizziness.

But… read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

The moment when she jumped from the cliff, she didn’t forget to ask Yu Ao Tian the things that she had forgotten before! But unfortunately, she didn’t wait until that man gave her an answer….

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

‘Hah, really never thought that this scenery regarding 13 years ago is repeating again!’

‘Yao Yao, 13 years ago with this kind of situation you had created a miracle for me; 13 years later with the same situation, I believe…. You are still same like before going to create new miracle for me!’

It seemed, that six years when she got amnesia she indeed forgot many things; it seemed that, something must be happened between she and Yu Ao Tian in the past.

But why that man unwillingly to tell her? 13 years ago, actually what was happened between she and Yu Ao Tian?

Pondering, a strange smile across her mouth: “Hah, Yu Ao Tian, didn’t you like to play ambiguity, it’s okay, I will use my own ways to get back… 6 years ago memory!”

Despite of she always says that she didn’t want to find back six years memory lost. But, there are too much puzzles she faced, her sixth sense told her, if she still avoiding that 6 years, perhaps she going to lose more, more important things….

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

“Miss, you wake up?” suddenly, the door room pushed open from outside, an Asian man who speaking English came in.

She looked that man from head to toe, from his aura he seemed not an ordinary man. “May I ask you, where is it?”

“This is Ya Si Lan (Aslan) country’s maritime boundaries, I am colonel Ni Mo (Nemmo), you are at commanding squadron.”

Ya Si…Lan Country? read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Isn’t this Feng Chen Yi’s step mother and also his sister in law’s country?

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Regarding this mysterious country, when Yao Yao barging into China’s government intranet to check the report, she found out that Prime Minister Qi Lian kidnapping Princess Lan Er Shan and it was completely complicated.

Ya Si Lan country is located in the borders of Europe and Asia, although it’s land not big, the population not many, but it is counted as one of the richest country in the world. Their race is very mixed, but there are 60% Chinese immigrant went there before, the most important they are using Chinese and English as their main language.

To go so far as to, this country is called as the wealthiest country, the most important this country is rich in mineral resources, as additional it is the most largest ‘weapon stores’ in the world, it can be said as army country! So that, other countries not dare to provoke them.

Part 2 (Two)

Others, this country also has lots of uniqueness.

For example, the average population’s IQ of this country is around 110, which is very unimaginable.

For the example, the way this country chooses it’s leader share a similarities with the way ancient people did, it is constitutional monarchy. The different is, their ‘emperor’ is a woman, and the throne is handed down from generation to generation. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

So that, the data that recorded kidnapping which done by the Prime Minister Qi Lian, then the people that being kidnapped were The Royal Princess Lan Pei Shan and also her daughter the heir of Royal Highness Ya Si Lan’s Queen, at same time she is the granddaughter of current queen. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

While this surname of Lan, it is only used by the Royal family, other people can’t use it, the common thing is all the people who is using Lan surname is the Royalty relatives.

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

This is almost all that Yao Yao knows, but although she is curious about this country tradition, she never think after she has suffered a nearly fatal hardship and then drifting to this country. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

“Colonel Nemo, How could I be at your military ship?” translated by azurro4cielo

“When we were having a patrol, we saw you were floating on the sea surface, hence we helped you.” azurro4cielo

Could it mean…. Yao Yao’s eyes rolled, emotionally asked: “How about my friend?” azurro4cielo

“Yours friend? We were only found you on the sea surface, and we were not found yours friend.”

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

‘Bzzz’ suddenly her head blank, Yao Yao’s face is turned to be pale, where’s Yu Ao Tian? Where Yu Ao Tian gone? Didn’t both of them were jumping together from the edge of cliff, but why at last Yu Ao Tian was not being saved together with her? read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

‘Hiks…. Hiks…’ Yao Yao listless breathing roughly, hurried she begged: “Colonel, Colonel NeMo, I begging you…. Please ask your men to patrol and search my friend, perhaps he still floating on this sea surface!” azurro4cielo

“Miss, toward your request, I do also hope that I can help you, but really sorry, our General is hurrying us to get back as soon, please forgive my powerless.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

She knew, her request actually impolite, Colonel NeMo has helped her, she should be deeply grateful. But….

Speak frankly she really could not ignore the fact Yu Ao Tian gone missing without doing anything. “Colonel Nemo, you listen to me, that friend of mine is Chinese Government Elite Officer, no matter what you must ask your men to save and search for him!” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“What?” Once Colonel NeMo heard it, immediately he frowned: “You say, that friend of yours is Chinese Government Elite Officer? Could he be….. Director of State Council Yu Ao Tian?” azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

Ha! Colonel NeMo knew! “That’s right, it is him! How could you know him?” azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

“Now the entire world are joining and form rescuing teams. But really sorry, still I can’t do anything to rescue him.” Ne Mo lowered his head to express his helpless. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

There are thick confusing gleam in Yao Yao’s eyes: “Why? Does it if one party has trouble then the rest would help? Why you from Ya Si Lan country does not care when you know the Director of State Council gone missing?”

“You don’t ask me the reason first. Now I want to ask you a question, are you Chinese?” azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

“Yes!” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Once Ne Mo heard it, immediately his facial expression changed to be so stern and serious, because they are keep on using English to communicate, so he thought Yao Yao is Japanese. “Miss, I sincerely advise you, if you don’t want to be executed immediately at the moment arrive in the port, just don’t admit yourself as Chinese!”

“Wh… why? Doesn’t Ya Si Lan country and Chinese Government always have good relationship?” This was also the data that she read after she checked on Ya Si Lan country, the reason is, there are many Chinese people descendant in Ya Si Lan country, so that the relationship always good. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Miss, regarding the relationship between my country (Ya Si Lan) and Chinese Government I won’t say too much. But, one thing that I can assure and say to you, ours Great General Bing Ye hates Chinese people the most!”

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Great General Bing Ye…. this is translated by azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, owned by azurro4cielo

Extremely hate Chinese People?

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