Dungeon Predator

Chapter 544. Nazrak Plains

Chapter 544. Nazrak Plains

Translator: Boko

Saw Rock Fortress.

It was a key military stronghold, and was the quickest path between the central and eastern regions.

This is where the 1st Corps, the Empire\'s main force, was currently located.

The 1st Corps was commanded by Dukeram.

Jegal acted as its advisor. It also included the Empire Guild\'s eight captains and their squads, as well as any guilds allied to them.

"It\'s time," Jegal said.

Dukeram nodded his head.

"Finally!" Ridgeley, who was known for his brashness, clenched his fist. He wanted to fight on the battlefield as soon as possible, and show how powerful he\'d become.

"The 3rd Corps is taking care of the Elephant Corps, so they won\'t be able to escape the Golden Road Fortress. The Eagle Corps are engaging the 2nd Corps in regional wars, so they won\'t be able to move that easily. If the 1st Corps advances on Altein, then Gheor\'s Tiger Corps will move to stop us."

The Freedom Alliance had more troops than they did. In exchange, the quality of the Imperial Army\'s troops was higher, and they also had more battle experience.

It was a battle of quality versus quantity.

If the two armies fought head-on, there was no telling who would be the victor.

What was certain, however, was the fact that the longer the war went on, the worse it was for the Empire.

The free cities were rich.

Even though they had conquered the entire eastern region, the Arabas Empire had no way of outproducing them.

Thus, Jegal had planned to end the war as quickly as possible.

He let the 3rd Corps deal with the Elephant Corps, and ordered the 2nd Corps to continue to engage the Eagle Corps in regional wars.

However, he had gotten word that the 2nd Corps\' Gray Sand Squad and the Sand Mage\'s Leader, Raika, had been killed.

Despite that, Jegal\'s overall plan didn\'t really change.

After all, the only army left to take on their 1st Corps was the Tiger Corps.

What if they won a landslide victory against the Tiger Corps?

The 1st Corps was far greater than people knew. Even if the 2nd and 3rd Corps combined their might, they wouldn\'t be able to match the 1st Corps. The Tiger Corps, which was their enemy\'s most powerful corps, wouldn\'t stand a chance against them either.

If they fought head-on, then they would definitely win.

Thus, Jegal had worried that the Freedom Alliance would stay in their cities and fortresses, and engage them in a long-term defensive war.

However, the Alliance had played a bad hand in the worst possible way.

They should\'ve let the 2nd Corps conquer the eastern part of the central region, rather than send the Eagle Corps to stop them.

He had concealed the true might of the 1st Corps and split up the 2nd Corps, making the Alliance\'s leaders feel as though there was an opening to exploit. Jegal\'s plan was nothing short of brilliant.

Anyhow, the war was going as planned, so he couldn\'t feel any better. There was nothing more gratifying than when a plan came together!

Nothing could erase the wicked smile off his face.

"As you know..." Dukeram began. "We\'re going to fight in the Nazrak Plains. It\'s the only place large enough for the Alliance and our army to fight on the path to Altein."

The Nazrak Plains were the largest plains in the northern region.

"Is there any chance that the Alliance will engage in a defensive battle instead?" Glacier\'s Irene asked.

Altein was the old Altein Empire\'s imperial capital. Thus, its castle walls were incredibly high and sturdy. They could also hold several troops.

"They won\'t. If they do, we\'ll just attack the surrounding free cities, breaking them apart piece by piece. I\'m sure they\'re well aware of this," Jegal replied.

The Freedom Alliance was made up of the soldiers provided by all of the free cities. In other words, they couldn\'t afford to just defend Altein.

How many of them would be willing to watch their hometown burn to the ground?

"So victory or defeat will be determined in this battle," Dukeram said. "Be ready for the battle ahead. That\'s all."

Several days later...

The 1st Corp\'s 300,000 troops departed Saw Rock Fortress. This information was immediately relayed to the Freedom Alliance.

* * *

"The 1st Corps has mobilized. They\'re headed for Altein," Gheor said.



The 1st Corps\' commanders sported heavy expressions. Hernandez and Raon stood amongst them too.

"Our plan hasn\'t changed. We\'ll fight our enemy here." Gheor pointed at the Nazrak Plains on the map.


"Please reconsider," Han Seol said.

Gheor furrowed his brow. However, she wouldn\'t let that deter her.

"Fighting on the plains isn\'t a good idea. We should instead engage in a defensive battle, and aim for their rear. An invading force always has the same weakness. Their supply route gets longer and longer. It\'ll definitely work since they can\'t use transfer gates."

"It\'s a good plan, but it\'s not the right plan."

"There is no \'right\' in war! If we want to win the war, then we have to be willing to sacrifice some things!"

Han Seol had also advised him not to send the Eagle Corps away. She didn\'t want them to defend the central region\'s eastern territory from the 2nd Corps.

However, Gheor hadn\'t listened to her. He had insisted that he had to protect the cities and their people.

"We can\'t sacrifice the cities or the people. I told you before; a soldier exists to protect the cities and its people. We cannot sacrifice them for victory," Gheor said unwaveringly.

He really did act like a stubborn war veteran. Han Seol felt like she was speaking to a wall.

"But that can lead to even more sacrifices!"

"..." Gheor was silent. He wouldn\'t change his mind.

Ultimately, Han Seol bowed her head and sighed.


\'Things are going exactly as they want.\'

She scowled as she thought of Jegal\'s wicked smile. \'Sick bastard!\'

"We were prepared for this when we sent the Eagle Corps away. And we\'ve already prepared some countermeasures for our battle. Trust in me and follow my command."

"Yes, sir!"

Han Seol bit her lip so that she wouldn\'t say \'please reconsider\' again. No one else voiced a complaint.

Hernandez patted her shoulder and whispered, "It\'ll be alright as long as we win."

"True," Han Seol said. However, there was no confidence in her voice. She had a really bad feeling about this.

The next day...

The Tiger Corps left Altein and headed for the Nazrak Plains.

* * *

The vast Nazrak Plains were filled with people.

Dark clouds loomed over the battlefield, so it seemed like it could rain at any moment.

The Alliance and Empire\'s flags fluttered through the violent winds.

The soldiers\' faces were tense.

"Hoo, hoo."

No matter how much they breathed, they couldn\'t control their racing hearts.

This was even worse for the free cities\' troops, as they had less battle experience than the Imperial Army.

Gheor, who stood at the front of the army, cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, listen up!"

His voice wasn\'t amplified by magic, yet both his troops and the Empire\'s troops could hear him.

Then, some of his soldiers slammed the bottom of their spears onto the ground.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The others began to imitate them. Soon enough, the ground\'s cries resounded throughout the battlefield.

Gheor raised his hand, and the soldiers stopped.

"Are you afraid?" Gheor asked.

They were afraid. However, no one could say it out loud. They all remained silent.


"It\'s natural to be afraid of death." Gheor\'s voice softened. "So stand up straight and tightly grip your spears! Don\'t let fear overtake you."

Let fear overtake them?

What was he talking about?

However, the soldiers did as Gheor asked. They tightened their grip, and stood up straight. It seemed like they felt even more nervous than before.

"Now, think about the people you love. Your family, your lover, and your friends."

When they thought about those they loved, they automatically tightened their grips and curled their toes.

"You have to protect them. And... you have to protect yourself too. You have to survive so that you can return to them!"

A warm feeling spread throughout the hearts of his soldiers. It was Gheor\'s charisma at work.

They were still feeling tense, but now they had the strength to swing their spears.

"Uwaaah!" some of the soldiers cried out. Then, the rest of the army followed suit.

It was as if they were releasing their tension, restlessness, fear, etc.

Their emptied hearts were filled with desire; the desire to survive this battle and return to those they loved!

Gheor pointed his sword at the Imperial Army. "I want the reserve troops to stay back! Everyone else, charge!" he said resonantly. It was as if a tiger were roaring.


A huge battle cry and the sound of feet and horses\' hooves echoed throughout the battlefield. A giant dust cloud rose into the air!

The battle had begun.

* * *

Unlike Gheor, Dukeram didn\'t need to do everything in his power to raise his troops\' morale.

All he needed to do was ride his Pegasus and wave his flag.

Flag of Great Victory!

It was one of Rakan\'s sacred treasures, which would raise his troops\' morale to its zenith no matter the situation!

The Rakan Church had asked them to return it, but the Empire Guild just gave them excuse after excuse. In the end, they didn\'t return it.


The flag released bright light, which landed on the soldiers like an aurora.


His soldiers\' hearts swelled with courage, and they cheered loudly.

"For the glory of the Empire!" Dukeram\'s voice, which was magically amplified, spread far and wide.

"For the Empire!"

"The Empire!"

The Empire\'s troops raised their weapons into the air.

"Reserve troops, remain on standby! Center troops, charge! I want the left and right flanks to advance slowly!"

He had finally ordered them to charge.

The centermost troops rushed forward, but the left and right flanks advanced slowly. The army resembled a drill.

On the other hand, the Alliance\'s troops charged simultaneously, making them appear like a trident.


The ground quaked, and the two armies quickly closed the distance!

"Come and get me, you bastards!" Ridgeley yelled. He was riding on horseback, and stood at the forefront of the Empire\'s army. The Brown Bear Squad followed behind him.

He wasn\'t the only one. Eric, Taker, Moby Dick, etc.; the Empire\'s captains and their squads were standing at the vanguard too.

Jegal, who watched from afar, beamed.

"Commence Operation Unicorn\'s Horn!"

* * *

"Aah, the Battle of the Nazrak Plains has begun!"

"Are you all seeing this? Are you hearing their cries? Do you feel this tension? Please don\'t miss the start and end of this battle! Stay tuned!"

The Battle of the Nazrak Plains was being broadcast to the entire world.

Some of the networks hired casters, and even went as far as to hire military experts.

GBS hired Jeon Seong Gook as a caster. Professor Lee Myung Won, who taught military science at University A, was hired as another caster.

"Professor, the Alliance and Empire\'s formations look different," Seong Gook said.

"They are. The Alliance has assumed a typical charge formation. The center, as well as the left and right flanks, charge at the same time. On the other hand, the Imperial Army has sent only their centermost forces. If you looked at them from overhead, the Imperial Army would look like a drill. Therefore, the Alliance has the advantage strictly in terms of formations," Lee Myung Won replied.

"Why is that?"

"The Alliance can surround the Imperial Army\'s center forces and attack them from three sides. It\'s akin to the saying \'a tall tree catches much wind\'."

"I see!"

"Even if their centermost forces are powerful... in most cases, they\'ll collapse very quickly. The Empire\'s center forces have to stay alive as long as possible."


"The battle has begun in the Alliance\'s favor!"

"As expected! Then let\'s keep watching and see if things go as the Professor says!"

Sometime later...

"P-Professor. What\'s going on?" Seong Gook asked, his voice trembling.

"..." Lee Myung Won remained silent, and vacantly looked at the screen.

The battle did indeed go as he planned. The Alliance collapsed on the Empire\'s center forces.


The Alliance was getting torn to shreds. All three sides of them at that!

It was truly a shocking sight.

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