The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 940: Death

Chapter 940: Death

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The death of Jones the alien Bug King was worthy of his title of a king. It was extraordinary.

After he died, his body turned stiff as a statue for a while, then quickly dissolved and evaporated, like butter or wax. A pool of sticky pale yellow liquid covered the soft crimson ground. Countless transparent oothecae (TL: the egg cases of cockroaches, mantises, and related insects) could be vaguely seen floating in the liquid. Numerous bugs swam in the liquid and jumped around madly like frightened river prawns, but in the end, they couldn\'t escape the fate of dying.

The MIB agents were anxious to check Jones\' remnant for the "Galaxy". However, when they touched the bodily fluid left by Jones, despite wearing gloves, they immediately screamed in agony.

Their fingers looked as if they had been soaked in sulfuric acid. The fingers first turned yellow and white, then started to decay. The decay even started to spread upwards through the hand. The resulting pain was unbearable. Some of the MIB elites completely lost control of themselves and rolled around on the ground while wailing miserably.

Luckily, Aziz was on alert and had rushed towards them at once. He then used the bayonet to quickly cut off the MIB agents\' fingers, or their hands in the more serious cases. They paid a hefty price for their impatience.

If Aziz hadn\'t done that, not only would the agents lose their precious lives, they might cause the military rank of Sheyan and Aziz to go down by a level as well.

"Aziz! Something\'s not right!" said Sheyan with a frown after waiting for a while. "I didn\'t receive any notifications of the kill!"

Aziz was on full alert. He narrowed his eyes and scanned the surrounding:

"Me neither. That damn thing is still alive."

The atmosphere was quiet all around them, with the only sound coming from the dripping of water. What surprised them even more was that the destroyed ovum was still struggling to gather itself back, seemingly unwilling to accept its death.

Sheyan and Aziz both paid careful attention to a few pieces of Jones\' carapace which that did not dissolve after his death. These carapace pieces were crystal-clear and shining like diamonds. Since neither of them received notification of the kill, Jones\' real body was likely hidden inside!

However, at that moment, Sheyan suddenly realised there were two thick, strange, bloody arms stretching out from the crimson meat wall behind Aziz. The lines of muscles on the arms were very obvious. Each large arm only had three fingers with long, sharp nails. The arms grabbed at Aziz\'s neck without warning.

Sheyan didn\'t even have the time to shout a warning. He could only pounce towards Aziz, but it was too late; the nails on the mysterious arms had already penetrated into Aziz\'s neck. Aziz suddenly disappeared - it turned out that Aziz was only an illusionary image.

The next second after the illusion was broken, a senior MIB agent who had been shivering on the ground suddenly stood up with a roll and took a big step forward.

With this step, his body shattered like a broken mirror. The pieces scattered all over but vanished before touching the ground. The sight was horrifying. Only after he took this step did the others realise that Aziz had disguised himself as this MIB agent since God knows when!!!

Sheyan was shocked too! He felt that he had distributed his free attribute points correctly, because it seemed that in the later stages, almost every Agility-specialist would know a couple of illusion spells that they could use to attack the enemy or to escape by surprise. Maintaining a certain level of Perception Sense could ensure that Sheyan would at least not be at a disadvantage when faced with these kind of situations.

Aziz seized on this opportunity. He coldly lifted his old-fashioned Mosin-Nagant rifle with a single hand.

At that moment, a strange, low humming noise reverberated in Sheyan\'s ears. The noise was rather similar to the sound a plane made when it took off or landed. His nose seemed to have gone out of order, but there was a bloody taste in his mouth. The whole space seemed to have condensed into the muzzle of Aziz\'s rifle at a high speed!

Then, a shot sounded.

Even the MIB agents could see - or rather, sense - a very old-fashioned brass bullet shooting out of the muzzle while a brass shell was perfectly ejected to the side. The brass bullet had a clear accumulation of history and dirt. The bullet head was deliberately filed into the shape of a cross and had a twisted letter \'S\' on its side.

This bullet was carved deep into the senses of everyone present, as if it was magnified in their perception. They couldn\'t miss it even if they tried too!

The brass bullet flew past and penetrated into the meat wall. All of them heard the clear sound of the most precious crystal shattering on the hardest of rocks.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be swirling.

A humanoid creature covered in flesh and blood fell down from the meat wall. His mouth emitted some noise that sounded meaningless, but if one carefully thought about it, one would find the noise filled with a deep chill. It sounded like an elegy sung by a dying mermaid - it was sad, mournful, and determined.

Then, the air around the body of the flesh-and-blood humanoid creature began to redden. The red air quickly spread in every direction. The spot under the creature\'s feet suddenly burst with a glaring light shaped like an inverted funnel. A flesh-and-blood tornado formed around him. Everything that was caught up in the tornado was completely destroyed.

"You can kill me, but all of you will die with me!!"

A deafening roar resounded! It seemed that Jones did not die from the previous attack. He had abandoned his previous body in an instant and had sneaked into the wall of the womb to make a new body.

However, Aziz had accurately identified his core and gave him a fatal blow!

The lethality of the rapidly-rotating flesh-and-blood tornado was even more terrifying than the sharpest blades. The meat wall which had given Sheyan and the MIB so much trouble was nothing in front of tornado; it disintegrated as if it was carved up by a large number of formless blades. After the pieces from the meat wall entered the tornado, they were grinded into meat liquid and powder.

The tornado was like a giant grinder. Everything that was wrapped by it would be processed into fine powder which would fall like rain.

It was worth noting that the flesh-and-blood humanoid creature at the eye of the tornado was also dying rapidly.

Aziz immediately yelled when he saw the fast-moving flesh-and-blood tornado:

"You MIB idiots! Run!"

Both Aziz and Sheyan knew that this was Jones\' dying blow. The flesh-and-blood tornado may seem terrifying, but it was powered by the life of the flesh-and-blood humanoid creature inside. It could stop at any moment!

Therefore, the thing most likely to cause heavy losses for Sheyan and Aziz were their temporary teammates from the MIB! If even one MIB agent was killed, it would probably cost each of them 15 achievement points. If three MIB agents were killed… Sheyan didn\'t dare to imagine such a horrible outcome.

This situation reminded Sheyan of something that happened in basketball in Lebron James\' first tenure with the Cavaliers. There was a discussion on which player was the best at stopping Lebron James, and the honour went to his teammate Drew Gooden…

Sheyan pounced towards the MIB agents and, with one of them under each arm, rolled away from the danger area near the tornado. The price Sheyan paid for that action was to have his back grazed by the tornado. At least half the area of his back was put to the grind and turned into a bloody mess, revealing the white ribs inside. It was a horrifying sight.

Sheyan gnashed his teeth in pain and anger, and shouted:

"I hate this damn mission! I hate being a babysitter!"

Aziz was calmly fired three consecutive shots. Even with his exceptional shooting technique, two of those three shots missed the target. The two bullets were blown away by the flesh-and-blood tornado. The third bullet penetrated into the core.

Sheyan tentatively threw a curse-mix. The shockwave from the curse-mix became the straw that broke the camel\'s back.

The flesh-and-blood tornado finally stopped!

[You have killed the Bug King / Mother Womb\'s Pollinator / Mother Womb\'s Guardian / His Majesty, The Great Sharista / Jones Silk-Carapace.]

[You have gained 10 achievement points.]

[You have gained 10 free attribute points.]

[There are currently 11 galaxies in which Jones Silk-Carapace is a wanted fugitive. Six of those galaxies allow someone who can provide solid evidence of killing Jones to receive the bounty, even if the person had not accepted the relevant hunting mission beforehand.]

[Hint: You must receive the bounty through the MIB.]

[Hint: Your reputation among the Arquillians has increased to \'Friendly\'. You will receive a 20% discount when you trade with them.]

[Hint: You have obtained Jones\' Tail. You can use this to travel through the mother womb uninhibited. It will disappear once it leaves the mother womb!"]

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