The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 996: The Dangerous Inner Area

Chapter 996: The Dangerous Inner Area

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

In front of Sheyan was a huge panther that was black all over except for its jewel-like eyes! The black panther was covered in blood, but as the blood fell on a clean, perfect layer of fur, it looked like rain drops on a lotus leaf - it seemed to display a cruel elegance that was only occasionally broken when the panther showed its claws and teeth when it moved. It was obvious that the panther had just taken part in a brutal slaughter.

Immediately afterwards, Sanzi walked out of a corridor to the side. He did not look too good, but he was not hurt, just angry. When he saw Sheyan, he immediately started complaining.

"You can\'t fault me for killing these idiots, bro! They touched my ass! "

Sheyan sighed and patted Sanzi\'s shoulders. "I don\'t blame you. If I were you, I would\'ve done even worse. Oh, right. You haven\'t introduced me to your friend yet."

Sanzi walked over and lightly scratched the threatening beast\'s chin. The creature apparently enjoyed this very much. It squinted its eyes and purred like a cat through its nostrils.

"This is Mr. Bhag\'thera. I had to pay a very high price to convince it to fight alongside me."

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Sheyan nodded.

"Well, then, please tell Mr. Bhag\'thera to try to refrain from killing civilians with no battle power. Massacres of civilians on a large scale will likely give rise to unpredictable factors. The last thing we need now is for new problems to crop up out of nowhere."

"I understand."

They talked as they walked, and soon found themselves at a junction. Sheyan called up the 3D holographic map, which they had drawn earlier, from the nightmare imprint with a mere thought. They took a left turn and climbed up the stairs. According to the map, the entrance to the dangerous criminals zone was right here.

While they were still on the stairs, they could already see at least forty prison officers on high alert, guarding the zone with riot shields and helmets on.

Perhaps Bhag\'thera could feel the murderous intent of the enemies - it rushed out without waiting for Sanzi\'s order. The vigour and agility it displayed were incredible. The prison officers holding riot shields in the front row moved to both sides to reveal the gun-wielding officers behind them, who immediately opened fire.

Surprisingly, most of the shots fired by the prison officers were evaded by Bhag\'thera, but the astonishing size of the beast ensured that there were still some bullets which were able to find their way to its body. Dark red spots started to appear on the black sheen of its fur.

But when the giant panther was shot, not only did it not run away, it even started speeding up with a fierce howl. It looked as if it was using the pain to stimulate the potential in its body! It became a black hurricane as it tore through the prison officers with its fangs and claws. The officers were no match for it at all. With this, Bhag\'thera gradually caught most of the prison officers\' attention!

Suddenly, a light flashed. Bhag\'thera seemed to detect a threat from it and immediately dodged to the side. Instantly, a sharp triangular cone connected to a long wire penetrated deep into the floor next to the panther! Next, a blue circle of electrical current diffused in all directions from the cone. Bhag\'thera could not react in time and was hit by the electrical ring. The shock made him tremble all over. After that, all its hair stood on ends and its movement became sluggish.

At that instant, a succession of shots sounded, and three more taser cones were fired. Two of them managed to hit Bhag\'thera\'s paralyzed body.

But Sheyan had already grabbed a cell door beside him and pulled it out of the wall. Sheyan then aimed this hundreds of kilograms of mass at the prison officers and threw it! The momentum of the spinning door was truly terrifying - the sound it made while it flew through the air was enough to give the officers chills down their back!

Although there was a distance of twenty to thirty meters between them, Sheyan was confident in the accuracy of his throw because he had used the skill \'Tactical Throw\'. The shooters thought they would be all right as long as they hid behind the riot shields, but the cruel truth was that only bunkers and corners could protect them…

Amidst a thunderous crash, the hapless officers scattered like flies. No one tried to pull the trigger at the risk of being smashed in the head. Bhag\'thera swiped with its paw and easily snapped the wires behind the taser cones. It once again turned into a raging storm and rushed into midst of the prison officers.

Beast type creatures tend to be ferocious in nature, and before it became a summon creature of Sanzi, Bhag\'thera was already a notorious monster that would even kill its own kind. Now that it had been shocked by the taser guns, it\'s ferocious nature was triggered. Bhag\'thera directly rammed into a riot shield, sending the officer behind the shield flying and bleeding.

The beast immediately brandished its claws and swept them to the side violently, separating the body of two prison officers who were wielding taser guns into two. The contents of their stomachs spilled out. Bhag\'thera swept violently again and the bloody heads of these two officers flew away in a parabolic curve, landing at the feet of the prison officers at the back!

This immediately destroyed the morale of the prison guards, and it was clear that the salary of $3,000 a week was not enough to lift their spirit and inspire them to fight. Sheyan even heard a prison guard yelling into the phone in hysteria.

"Requesting for reinforcement! We need the army! We need B-2s, we need the Kitty Hawk, we need atomic bombs! My God! There are two high-end Terminators in here, and…"

At this point, the prison officer looked at Mr. Bhag\'thera, apparently hoping to find an effective countermeasure against the panther in his mind so that he could request it as a reinforcement, but apparently he had no talent in this field, so his final line was:

"…and there\'s also a Terminator that looks like a panther! Well, it\'s ten times bigger than any panther you\'ve ever seen!"

Since the opponents had already lost their will to resist, Sheyan did not kill them off. He selectively attacked the officers with taser guns and drove the remaining prison guards towards to the destructive mob of rioting prisoners behind him. Obviously, those guards who were very cruel to the prisoners were about to face their karma.

Then, Sheyan and Sanzi encountered the biggest obstacle that they had to face so far. A gigantic slab of steel, almost as thick as the door of a bank vault, stretched across the corridor in front of them. From the moment the blackout occurred, it would slam down and jam the passageway to the dangerous criminals zone according to the pre-programmed instruction.

The object itself contained a battery that could power it for ten hours in the absence of power supply. Even the powerful contestants could only sigh helplessly in front of this large steel door, which was why the warden proudly called it the Wall of Lamentation. Theoretically speaking, unless this steel door which was packed full of advanced technology happened to be in the centre of a nuclear explosion, it was really hard to destroy.

Therefore, the progress of Sheyan and Sanzi was impeded at a spot that was less than 100 meters away from their target. But being impeded did not mean being baffled. The mice sent out by Sanzi before this had already made a thorough investigation around this particular problem, and they had already come up with an answer. It was actually not difficult to solve the problem as long as they did not fall into the conventional way of thinking.

Sheyan and Sanzi quickly arrived at the office of the prison guard nextdoor. With one kick at the door, this piece of junk made from composite wooden boards immediately broke apart. From the direction of the bed inside came a woman\'s scream.

The only impression that the naked woman left on Sheyan was her impressive breasts that were as large as Christina Hendricks\'. Next to her was an officer with a pot belly, naked of course. Sheyan, who had thoroughly studied the administrative structure of Fox River Prison, immediately identified him as one of the two deputy wardens. Perhaps they were too engrossed in the act of pleasure; the huge commotion outside had been totally ignored by them.

As soon as Mr. Bhag\'thera made its appearance, the couple\'s screams of anger immediately turned into screams of fear. Sheyan knocked the deputy warden unconscious and let the woman go. He walked across the resting area to the wall on the other side, raised his fist, and slammed at the wall with a heavy blow!

His dark green gloves were remodelled from a pair of mining gloves, so they were originally designed to crack rocks. After ten punches in succession, Sheyan made one final, powerful strike. The wall instantly collapsed amidst rising dust and debris. The dangerous criminals zone was now visible on the other side of the wall.

A common misconception that people normally had was that it was much easier to break a door than to break a wall. This was normally true, but Sanzi\'s mice detected several places where the walls between the common prisoners zone and the dangerous criminals zone were less than a meter thick. The choice between breaking through a one-meter reinforced concrete wall or breaking through that high-tech and impossibly thick slab of steel, was an easy one.

The designers of Fox River Prison could never have imagined that there would be a day when the prison would fall into such a state of panic that intruders could easily enter the prison guard\'s office to break down the wall!

The scene in the dangerous criminals zone was completely different from the outside. Numerous dangerous criminals were wearing heavy magnetic shackles, which clung to their feet like a pair of 30-kilogram steel boots. The prisoners here were subjected to various horrible treatments, and many guards in this zone were equipped with taser guns! This is an extremely dangerous area!

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