The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1363: Escape Capsule

Chapter 1363: Escape Capsule

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The explosive power of the crystal was so tremendous that it formed a powerful chain reaction. Sheyan happened to be facing the shock wave, so although there was a buffer time of ten seconds, he had no time to run to the back. He could only run towards the nearest anti gravity escape capsule and smash the emergency button!

A red light flashed non-stop. A pair of steel rings popped out of the floor and bound Sheyan’s ankles so as to locate his position.

Next, an emergency seat as spacious as a CEO’s chair was pushed towards Sheyan’s butt. As soon as he sat down on it, the seat quickly slid along a track. During this period, seat belts were continuously strapped onto him, binding him firmly to the seat.

Then, Sheyan’s vision suddenly darkened. He had suddenly been encased in a large airbag. After that, several more airbags followed. They were instantly pumped full of air. Sheyan was spun around so much that he could not even tell which side was up anymore. He was sent into an escape capsule and ejected out at high speed.

The escape capsule inevitably still had to suffer the wrath of the explosion aftermath. Although Sheyan had over 100 points of Physique, it did nothing to help him at all. Even if he had 200 or even 1000, it would not make much of a difference; he would still turn into ashes if he was situated at the core zone of the explosion. Even though he was at the outer edge, he was still knocked unconscious by the violent shock!

Fortunately, Sheyan’s blackout was pretty mild. Although his consciousness was a little fuzzy, he still had a vague sense of the outside world. He was like someone who had fallen into a light slumber; if the door was suddenly opened, the person would still sense it.

Therefore, when Sheyan sensed that the escape capsule had stopped moving, he started to struggle violently, trying to restore the control of the body to the brain that had lost its sense of balance. His efforts soon paid off. First, it was his index finger, then his thumb... and the bones and joints all over his body started to recover like snakes waking up from hibernation. After that, Sheyan regained control over his whole body.

The first thing Sheyan recovered was his sense of touch. He felt a hot and humid patch on his forehead, which gradually cooled. That should be a sign of a head injury which was continuously bleeding. After that, he felt the searing pain of several burn wounds on his body, as if he had been baked in fire.

Finally, he started to recover his vision. It turned from a blur to some vague shadows to double silhouettes, then gradually became clear. He found himself in a desolate looking valley, filled with boulders and broken rocks.

The escape capsule that protected Sheyan was now in a terrible state, especially its exterior. It was like an orange that had been roasted in a fire; a light flick on its surface would make a large amount of black ash drop off. It was also in tatters, as if it had been gnawed by numerous beasts with sharp fangs. If it were not for the metallic plate inside which was now exposed, the escape capsule would have turned out even worse.

The cover of the escape capsule was long gone, as if it had been hacked away, so Sheyan was directly exposed to the cold air. There was a large pool of dried blood on his head, which had turned blackish. This was obviously not ideal. The sharp odour of blood could easily attract over creatures that had a sensitive sense of smell.

The good news was that the built-in computer of the escape capsule was still functioning, and the emergency supply package inside was quite sufficient. Sheyan checked the records and found that Pontin’s manufacturing skills were indeed pretty amazing. According to the records, the Monster of Calamity had performed a total of six ejections before it disintegrated, all of which were successful. Sheyan’s escape capsule was the only one ejected in the direction of the shock wave, so the rest must be in a much better condition than him. That was a relief.

Sheyan also saw a video recording. After the Queen of Blades, having been cut by the scythe, descended from the air like a fallen leaf, countless Zerg had recklessly leaped up to use their bodies as shields for her majesty. In front of the terrible explosion, even the most powerful Ultralisk was gobbled up by the light and annihilated in an instant... but the Zerg still rushed to protect their queen without any hesitation!

But at that moment, Sheyan suddenly heard the sounds of stones falling nearby, and after that, the sound of two people conversing with each other.

“Hey, is it here? Are you sure this is the place?”

“Yeah, it’s definitely here. I’m sure I saw it right.”

“Do you think there’ll be any danger?”

“Danger, my foot. Didn’t you see how powerful the explosion was? Even we, who were over seven kilometers away, haven’t recovered from it yet. What can a tiny escape capsule do?”

“But Grey, Artemis asked us to check out if there’s anything unusual in the west. If she finds out that we came here to make some side earnings, the consequences will be very serious.”

“If you don’t say it and I don’t say it, how would she know? I’m telling you Gavin, don’t lose your mind over her big tits and big ass. Sure, she’s a slut, but do you really think you’ve got a chance? The men who wish to f*ck her are lining up for miles. Look at Roonie, the fool. Can you sacrifice more than he did? And yet, how did he end up? That’s why, Gavin, we must always look for our own profit first and foremost. What’s the use of making that slut happy?”

As the two men were conversing, a rock beside them suddenly exploded. A muscular figure broke through the cover and dashed out like a tiger charging down the mountain. The shattered rocks blasted Gavin’s face, making him scream in pain. It was Sheyan!

He first bumped into Grey’s chest, then grabbed him!

But Grey instantly responded with a move no one could have expected. The moment Sheyan exerted force with his hands, he instantly knew something was wrong. The thing he grabbed did not feel like a human hand at all, but something like an inflated balloon. As Sheyan’s grip tightened, the thing he grabbed exploded with a bang. Air and dust splashed wildly, and a leaf slowly drifted down. The real Grey was already more than ten meters away.

The short but stocky man had a long box in his hand. He reached inside and took out a grey whip. Upon a closer look, the whip appeared to be made of chained human bones. It exuded eeriness.

Grey did not deign to talk any trash. When he swung the whip, there was a loud bang, and Sheyan’s eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. The whip did not look very impressive, but when it was swung just now, bluish-white electricity had streaked through the air, and there were crying sounds!

When Sheyan charged forward again, Grey naturally lashed at him with the whip. Sheyan protected himself with the glove that G-spot had transformed into and continued running forward. The whip wound around his arm once.

Sheyan suddenly shivered. He felt as if there was a black hole at the spot where the whip coiled around his arm, which was sucking all the heat out of his body. What’s more, within seconds after contact, a thick layer of ice which smelled terrible had formed on his arm.

Gavin then pulled out a rocket launcher and fired it at Sheyan! Sheyan was wary of this kind of weapon that had slow firing speed but high destructive power. Before having more information about the enemy, he dared not take the shot head on.

With no other choice, he could only roll away in the hope of avoiding the brunt of the attack, but when he turned back to look, he saw that the rocket had also made a turn and was still flying towards him! In addition, Grey had pulled another whip out of nowhere and it was extending towards Sheyan with killing intent that was raging like a turbulent river! It casually whipped Sheyan on the back. The Marine armour Sheyan was wearing instantly split apart like a butterfly, the fragments flying everywhere!

The rocket exploded violently with a loud bang. Sheyan, who was burned black, suddenly burst out of the smoke, G-spot on his left hand shapeshifting into Evil Sword Apophis. Grey lashed out at him again. Sheyan blocked the whip with Apophis, but the whip was unfortunately flexible, so even though it was blocked, the tip still turned and struck Sheyan. It traced a crimson trail on Sheyan’s face and took away a strip of his flesh!

Furthermore, it appeared that the whip had the ability to suck blood. Not even a drop of blood had flowed out of the wound, while the flesh around the wound became rotten like the flesh of a corpse. The rot was quickly spreading. If the rotten flesh was not cut away in time, the infection would likely become more serious.

Sheyan endured a few more of their attacks. He realised that in terms of trickery, weirdness, and nimbleness, he was no match for the opponents at all! On the contrary, he had taken quite a beating. He immediately took a deep breath, and his feet pierced into the soil like they were taking root!

The horrifying illusion of the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ appeared, waving its tendrils about like they were whips. Countless viruses, invisible to the naked eye, spread happily in the air. A mocking look entered Sheyan’s eyes. He squeezed a few words out from between his teeth.

“You idiots.... Break out, SARS!”

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