Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1814 - Zhang Tie’s Help in the Rain

Chapter 1814: Zhang Tie’s Help in the Rain

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It took Zhang Tie half an hour to pass through the tunnel-like entrance of the city gate of Emperor NvWa City.

Zhang Tie just walked leisurely. However, many youngsters had started to run the moment they entered the tunnel.

Half an hour later, Zhang Tie finally felt bright in front of him as he walked out of the tunnel and entered Emperor NvWa City.

Zhang Tie saw a square covering about 1.5 square miles, which was paved with bluestones. The main road circled around the square like a roundabout. The roundabout extended to south, north and east respectively. Zhang Tie saw undulating mountains and villages in the distance.

Before Zhang Tie came to Motian Realm, Xuanyuan Hill was the largest city that Zhang Tie could imagine. But the entire Xuanyuan Hill only covered over 70 square miles. However, Emperor NvWa City was 10 times larger than Xuanyuan Hill. Over 400 million people were living in Emperor NvWa City. Therefore, Emperor NvWa City could even match a country.

Those entering this city by flying uran had long moved far away on the main road. The uran carriage that Zhang Tie saw at the entrance had already disappeared.

The square was too crowded. All the youngsters who came to Emperor NvWa City for the first time were wandering in the square and watching this legendary Emperor NvWa City out of curiosity.

There was a boisterous commercial district in the center of the square, where people could find all the living necessities. There might be some vehicles centers in the commercial district as cars were coming out of there constantly. Some directly left by flying urans.

Many people were holding high signs and yelling around the commercial district as they were recruiting employees.

Zhang Tie took in a deep breath. He had felt that reiki concentration in the air was two times higher than that outside the city. If people could live in such an environment all year round, their physique would be stronger.

Zhang Tie looked up at the sky where white clouds were floating casually as he sensed bizarre energy covering the entire city. Coming from the city wall, that special energy interwove an invisible border in the sky. As long as one penetrated through the border in the sky, he would be sensed and suffer from secret strikes.

When Zhang Tie passed by the tunnel of the city gate, he felt that those flowing runes on the wall of the tunnel were functional. He felt being scanned time and time again before entering Emperor NvWa City.

‘It’s said that Emperor NvWa City is a forbidden land of demons. It’s really extraordinary. But I wonder whether these means could discover moles of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace being controlled by Golden-Soul Runed Virus or not.’

“Uncle, do you want a map of Emperor NvWa City...” When Zhang Tie looked around, he felt that a corner of his garment was drawn by someone. A 12-year old smart boy had already sneaked to his side and was promoting a roll of the map of Emperor NvWa City as he watched Zhang Tie with a pair of black eyes.

Zhang Tie smiled as he asked kindly, “How much?”

Although Zhang Tie had already got a copy of the map of Motian Realm in his mind, that one couldn’t match the map of Emperor NvWa City in precision.

“One purple crystal coin...” the little boy instantly quoted.

Compared to the size of Emperor NvWa City, this was a very high price.

“It’s a bit expensive!” Zhang Tie replied in a muffled voice as he watched the small boy seriously, “Do you know how one can reach Tigerback Mountain?”

“If you buy my map, you will know how to get there. Without a map, it’s difficult for you to find a place in such a city!” the small boy continued to persuade Zhang Tie as he added, “Are you going there for medical treatment or to learn from Bian Heng?”

“Ah? You know that?” Zhang Tie uttered as he glanced at the small boy out of astonishment.

“Of course, almost all the people go to Tigerback Mountain for either medical treatment or learning from Bian Heng. However, as too many people are going there, if you waste too much time on the way, it would be too pitiful.” the small boy said as he sniffed and held high that map in front of Zhang Tie.

“Well, I will buy one...” Zhang Tie pretended to think about it for a few seconds before giving a purple crystal coin to the small boy and getting the map.

After taking his purple crystal coin, the small boy instantly ran away.

Zhang Tie opened the map. Only after glancing over it, he had been crystal clear about the details. Tigerback Mountain was about 400 miles away. There was an avenue leading straight to Tigerback Mountain. As long as he positioned his destination, he could arrive there without even detour. Not until then did Zhang Tie know why the small boy immediately ran away the moment he got the money. ‘It turned out that he was afraid that I would regret.’

Zhang Tie smiled as he put away the map and left for his destination instantly.

After passing by the square, Zhang Tie came to an avenue. Each avenue in Emperor NvWa City was tightly paved with bluestones without crack and wider than 50 m. Nobody knew how they were paved. The trees on roadsides shaded the avenues. With each distance, Zhang Tie would see pavilions for rest. On the avenue, some drove cars; some rode urans; some were running a bit slower than urans.

People in Motian Realm were born to be LV 9 fighters. Therefore, many people chose to run besides riding mounts in Motian Realm. An adult could run about 300 miles a day on foot. That was to say, it only took an adult about 10 days to cross Emperor NvWa City from south to north or from west to east.

Many people could even chat with their partners while running.

Zhang Tie was also one of the runners. He just ran towards Tigerback Mountain at an average speed.


When the night fell, Zhang Tie had already run about 200 miles after crossing many villages and towns. Fewer people were on the roads as many of them had already chosen inns to stay overnight on the way. However, Zhang Tie prepared to run all night and arrive at Tigerback Mountain before daybreak.

This distance was not a big deal for Zhang Tie at all. On the way, he just appreciated the roadside sceneries leisurely. Such an enjoyable pure running reminded Zhang Tie of his hearty running in the valley and the wild when he participated in the survival training in Blackhot City.

It seemed that God didn’t want Zhang Tie to be so satisfied. Soon after the night fell, he had heard a rumble of thunder. In a few seconds, it had rained heavily.

In the dark, soon after it started to rain, the road had become misty. Only when lightning bolts flashed by did it become suddenly white.

Right in front of him, a flying uran carriage tilted on the roadside as a wheel had already left the carriage. The two strong urans had already been fastened to a roadside tree. Zhang Tie found the very tough man whom he saw before was squatting down with an anxious look, being wet all over. He was fixing the broken wheel. Under a big roadside tree, a middle-aged woman was holding an open umbrella for a young maiden in white skirt.

The young maiden in white skirt was wearing a hood. A white veil hung down and covered her face completely. Even so, the young maiden still looked very decent under the tree. In the misty rain, she was like a lonely and fabulous lily in the gloomy valley.

Before Zhang Tie came here, the tough man who was fixing the wheel had already noticed Zhang Tie. Therefore, the tough man instantly sprung up as he stared at Zhang Tie, holding two broad axes.

Zhang Tie directly passed by them. The tough man then became faintly relaxed as he slightly put down his huge axes. However, after passing them for dozens of meters, Zhang Tie stopped. Closely after that, he turned around and ran towards them.

Watching Zhang Tie coming over here, the tough man became intense at once as he slightly raised the edges of huge axes as if he was ready to attack.

However, Zhang Tie appeared to have not seen the tough man’s response and vigilant look; instead, he squatted down and took a look at that vehicle, saying, “The balls inside the spin axis of this vehicle were broken. As a result, the bearing bush was destroyed, causing an imbalance between two wheels. Finally, one wheel almost ran out. Do you have professional tools? Let me fix it for you...”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s words, the tough man became shortly stunned. Closely after that, he put down the huge axes silently as he pushed one tool case near his foot to the front of Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie opened the tool case and took out the tools before moving the spin axis away from the bottom of the carriage. After that, he took the bearing out of the spin axis and dismantled it. Closely after that, he picked out the broken balls by a special tool. Then, he added some grease into the bearing before filling new balls back into it.

As it was still raining. When Zhang Tie fixed the carriage, his clothes soon turned wet.

“Aunt Wu, shelter this master with your umbrella. I’m okay here...” the young maiden in veil said lightly. After hearing her words, the middle-aged woman took a look at her before moving to the front of Zhang Tie, sheltering Zhang Tie with her umbrella.

Zhang Tie focused on fixing the vehicle. The problem with this carriage was too simple. He could easily fix it when he was a soldier in Norman Empire, not to mention that he was already an immortal craftsman, who could create mechanical civilization by hands.

In Motian Realm, people didn’t focus on mechanics. Therefore, the chassis and wheels of this carriage were relatively simpler than those in the world where he came from. Additionally, its shockproof block was very coarse. At the bottom of the carriage, there were two parts called carrying pole beams. In Taixia Country, these parts were used for trucks. It was already not bad for such a carriage to have metal liner bushing in its wheels.

In Zhang Tie’s eyes, this uran carriage was even simpler than the toys of his sons at home. However, the others were all curious about his skillful movements as if he was playing conjurations.

In the beginning, the tough man watched Zhang Tie with a bit vigilance. Gradually, the bit vigilance disappeared as he started to coordinate with Zhang Tie on one side.

In only a few minutes, Zhang Tie had already assembled those parts and adjusted the two carrying pole beams. After that, he told the tough man to lift the 1-2 tons of carriage as he installed the wheel.

After delving into the tool case, Zhang Tie raised his head as he told the tough man, “Sh*t, there’s no reserved liner bushing. If so, the wheel will also fall off in a short period of time. Where’s the former liner bushing?”

“Ah? Bearing bush? What’s bearing bush?” The tough man asked with a confused look.

Zhang Tie shook his head as he explained. Given this tough man’s look, he knew nothing about mechanics. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn’t mean to waste time on explaining it to him; instead, he asked the tough man straightforwardly, “Where did you find the problem?”

“On the road a few miles away...” the tough men replied.

“I think the broken bearing bush should be lying on the road. Wait a moment, I will run back and get it for you...” After leaving the words, Zhang Tie instantly rushed into the rain along the way where they came from.

10 minutes later, Zhang Tie came back, wet all over, with a deformed and broken part of the carriage in hand.

He then used a hammer to knock it for a short while, making the deformed and broken bearing bush more and more regular and smooth. After that, he installed it.

“As this bearing bush is already broken, it couldn’t last too long. But it could still stand 1 or 2 days. When you arrive at an inn or a town, you’d better replace it with a new one!” Zhang Tie warned the tough man as he put those tools back into the case before putting the tool case back under the seat.

“Thank you so much...” the tough man told Zhang Tie seriously. At that time, the tough man had already confirmed that Zhang Tie was not a threat.

“Pleasure...” Zhang Tie replied as he was going to leave.

“According to my knowledge, this road leads to Tigerback Mountain. Master, are you also heading for Tigerback Mountain overnight?” the young maiden uttered.

“Yea, I’m going to Tigerback Mountain!”

“It’s raining now and it’s too late. Master, if you agree, you could go there together with us...” The young maiden in veil suggested kindly. Aunt Wu wanted to say something. However, after the young lady took a look at her, she became quiet.

The tough man didn’t oppose it. It seemed that he also wanted Zhang Tie to go there together with them so that someone could help them fix the carriage when there was any problem. Additionally, he felt that Zhang Tie didn’t pose any threat to him in the battle force. Therefore, he became relaxed.

Zhang Tie looked at that young lady with a smile as he replied, “Okay, sorry to trouble you...”


After the carriage was fixed, the tough man continued to drive the uran carriage as Zhang Tie was sitting together with that young lady and Aunt Wu in the carriage.

With a sound of whip, the uran carriage started to move rapidly towards Tigerback Mountain again...

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