Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 321 - Rejected?

As the song came to a finish both Samantha and Jason were sweating and breathing heavily. Since this song was for Kyle and his special lady the two of them had given everything that they had to their performance.

With the crowd cheering them on Jason walked up to Samantha and high-fived her "Now that\'s what I\'m talking about! Good shit Sammy."

Samantha laughed "I had to make sure I didn\'t embarrass myself, especially since Kyle and his little friend over there looked like they needed some help."

Jason chuckled at Samantha\'s words but his smile quickly melted away after he saw Karla standing right in front of the stage.

"Hey Sammy, think you and Cody could hold things down for a bit? Looks like there\'s something I gotta take care of."

Samantha\'s gaze quickly locked on to Karla. She smiled and nodded her head "Sure Jaya, just leave it to me and Cody. We can keep the show going."


Jason shot the two of them appreciative looks before making his way off the stage. With Samantha and Cody performing in the background, Jason greeted Karla.

"Hey Karla, pretty great music right?" The nervous look on her face eased up a bit after hearing Jason\'s voice. She tried to put on the best smile that she could.

"Yeah, the music is killer. Gotta say I was pretty impressed to see how good you were on stage. Are you just as good on the dance floor?"

Despite her attempt to hide her unease with her confidant facade Jason was able to detect a hint of nervous-wavering in her voice.

Jason was already expecting it but when he heard Karla ask him to dance his will began to falter. He knew that once they started dancing he would have to firmly and resolutely let her know how he felt about her.

\'No, what are you even thinking dude. Rejecting her now is the right thing to do and you know it. Don\'t let these teenage hormones mess with your head.\'

After clearing his thoughts Jason gave her a smile that even he could tell was awkward "Actually do you mind if we talk outside for a bit? My ears could use a quick break from the loud music."

Although somewhat surprised by Jason\'s words Karla nodded her head "Oh, y-yeah. Sure thing." And so Jason lead the way as the two of them left the dance room.

With the door closing behind them the music coming from the dance room was muffled down as the two of them stood silently in the hallways of the venue.

Karla held her hands behind her back as she tried her best to the fact that they were shaking from her nerves.

Even though Jason was clueless when it came to girls and how they showed their interest in boys he was fairly skilled in reading basic body language, something that he honed during his time as a defender that had to make up for a lack of size.

\'Man, I didn\'t even say anything yet and she\'s already looking nervous...\' Jason tried his best to put on the most natural smile that he could as he got ready to reject a girl for the first time in both his lives.

\'I really hope that she takes this okay. But even if this does hurt her it\'s probably better than me pretending to not know how she feels.

And besides, even if I didn\'t say anything now she\'s bound to be the one to bring it up. And no matter how much I\'m enjoying this second chance at being young again I just cannot see Karla that way because of her age.

I just can\'t see her as anything more than a young girl who\'s still growing up and learning about life.\'

As he was thinking about how to best start the conversation Jason saw a vending machine just a bit down the hallway from the two of them "You want something to drink Karla?"

She nodded her head "Sure." She thought that Jason would go back into the dance room where the drinks were but then she saw Jason walk towards the vending machine out in the hallway.

After a short moment, Jason walked back and handed her a bottle "You like the light blue one right? If not you can swap with me." He then held out his bottle of red Gatorade as he offered it to her.

Karla smiled as she shook her head "That\'s okay, you can keep your fruit punch. You\'re right, Glacier Freeze is my favorite flavor. But how did you know?"

Jason took a sip from his bottle before answering "That\'s easy, you always be showing up to school with it and even during your runs that\'s the only flavor I be seeing you with."

Karla\'s slightly pale face began to recover some color as she began to blush. She took a small sip before looking back up to Jason with a smile.

"No wonder you\'re so popular with girls. I can understand why they would be such huge fans even if they don\'t like basketball."

Jason let out a small sigh as he ran his right hand through his hair "You say that but I still don\'t understand it.

To be honest I think it\'s just because they\'re young K-Pop fans and even though I\'m a basketball player I\'m the closest thing they can get to an Idol here in the states.

Which is saying a lot because I am nowhere near those dudes in terms of looks." Jason chuckled as he finished speaking.

He then looked at Karla "Listen.... I know that you like me... As in more than just friends..." Jason awkwardly scratched his head as he looked at her.

At first Karla was stunned, she hadn\'t expected him to be so direct in saying that. But then she began to tighten her grip around the Gatorade bottle that Jason had gotten for her as she hardened her resolve.

"Yeah... I do. To be honest my interest in you was only because I knew that you were the most popular guy at school. That sounds so bad right?

But if I\'m being honest that\'s kind of how I\'ve always been. I was always at the top in grades, popularity, and even as an athlete.

Since I saw myself as the best I thought that it was only natural that I deserve the best. But as I got to know you, like really get to know you and not just what other people would say about you things started to change... I started to change.

You were the first boy that I had ever met that was nice to me just because that\'s who you are. All of the other boys that I\'ve known only put on a nice guy act to try and impress me or to put on a good image.

Like right now. You never asked me and I never told you but you cared enough to know about what my favorite flavor was."

Jason took a big gulp from his bottle "Karla, I don\'t know how to say this but I don\'t see you that way... I\'m sorry if I lead you on in any way but I really wasn\'t doing anything special.

To me knowing about my friends just seems natural. I know what Kyle\'s favorite color is and I know what UD\'s go-to order at any place in Riverside.

Oh, UD was the captain of the basketball team before I took over. He\'s a really nice guy, and unlike me it seemed like he always knew the right things to say for any moment."

At first Karla was crushed when she heard Jason say that he didn\'t see her in that way. But after seeing him nervously chatter off about UD she giggled.

All of the tension that she had been carrying with her the entirety of the dance up until now was lifted off of her.

She took a seat on the floor as she leaned against the wall "I had a feeling you were going to reject me.

After getting the chance to be friends with you for a bit I knew that you weren\'t doing anything special and that you were just a really nice guy Jaya."

Seeing her sit on the floor silently Jason didn\'t know what else to do so he slid down to the floor, leaning against the wall, as he sat beside her.

"You should get up Karla. Your dress is too nice to get dirty like this, I\'m sure that the floors here aren\'t the cleanest."

Karla turned her head to the side as she faced Jason with a smile "You really can\'t help it can you? Even after rejecting a young girl\'s heart you still have to be the nice guy."

Jason shook his head "I just didn\'t want to ruin your night any more than this. If I let you get your dress dirty without saying anything after hurting your feelings I would feel even worse."

Karla laughed before leaning her head against Jason\'s shoulder "Don\'t get it twisted. I know you don\'t like me like that.

But it should be okay for a friend to comfort somebody after getting rejected right? Just for a little bit." Jason rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about it "I guess that makes sense?"

Even though she could hear the uncertainty in Jason\'s voice Karla acted as though it wasn\'t there \'You really are too nice for your own sake Jaya.\'

"And don\'t worry about hurting my feelings. Sure it stung to get denied but I\'m an athlete just like you. A little bit of adversity isn\'t anything much for us." Jason didn\'t say anything as he nodded his head in agreement.

Karla smiled as she thought about how her night had gone so far "Don\'t worry. I won\'t keep you trapped in the hallways for too long. You still have to get back to singing so let\'s just chill here until the song is finished."

And so the two of them sat silently on the floor as they listened to the muffled music coming through the door.

\'I rejected her right? I didn\'t leave any room for any misunderstandings right? So why does it feel like I messed up a bit?\'

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