Pet King

Chapter 1506 - -small house in the forest

Chapter 1506: Chapter 1506-small house in the forest

Mrs. Miller was like an angry lioness in front of the forest patrolman, but in fact, she was on the verge of collapse. Since her daughter went missing more than ten days ago, she had been crying in regret and self-blame. She only had two or three hours of sleep every day, and she was always woken up by nightmares. Every time her phone rang, she always thought that her daughter had been found safe and sound, or that she was fine with a little injury, as long as she was alive.

Since the official announcement of the end of the search and rescue in the forest Park due to weather reasons, she had tried to restart the search and rescue with her own strength. After failing, she had handed out flyers to every tourist she met, asking them to help find her daughter.

Everyone had given up, but she had never given up. But even she was reaching her limit.

When someone suddenly knocked on the window, she thought that the damn inspector had changed his mind and wanted to drive her out of the county right now. She couldn’t take it anymore and was about to explode, but she saw Zhang Zian standing outside.

She was stunned. She quickly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and rolled down the window.

“Mrs. Miller, right? I’m ... Jeff, a China Tourist, but I’m very sympathetic to your experience. ” Zhang Zian reached out and shook her hand to convey his sympathy.

“Thank you, Jeff.” Mrs. Miller forced out a smile and shook hands with him. She had received a lot of eye-rolls in the past few days, and even empty sympathy was precious to her.

“In fact ...” Zhang Zian turned around and pointed to the tents, waterproof mats, and other camping supplies tied to the roof of his car. “I also plan to enter this forest on foot, alone, just like your daughter.”

Mrs. Miller stared at him worriedly. She didn’t want this young man, who looked about the same age as her daughter, to repeat her daughter’s mistakes.

“Jeff, listen to me. It’s not safe in the forest. Don’t go in alone. At least find a companion.” She advised.

Zhang Zian smiled.”Mrs. Miller, I didn’t enter the forest for a simple adventure. I have a reason to enter the forest. Also, you don’t have to worry too much about my safety. I know kung fu.”

As he spoke, he made a few Wing Chun moves. His punches were Swift and fierce, and Mrs. Miller was stunned.

“As expected, Chinese people are all kung fu masters.” She exclaimed in admiration.

Zhang Zian just wanted to boost her confidence, so he didn’t clarify her misunderstanding. Besides, he didn’t expect Kung Fu to guarantee his safety in the forest. Even if he pulled ye Wen over, he wouldn’t be able to fight a black bear or a cougar alone. In the forest, the only thing that could guarantee one’s safety was calmness and attentiveness. Of course, there were also the elves.

“What I want to say is that I haven’t thought of a way to enter the forest ... So I thought, since we’re going in anyway, I might as well ask you which way your daughter went in. If possible, I plan to follow her route. Maybe I can help you find her ...” He said.

Mrs. Miller’s eyes suddenly widened, and she covered her mouth, staring at him in disbelief.

“Really? Are you serious? Oh my God! Oh my God! You’re not joking with me, right?”

“Of course not.” “You can believe me,” Zhang Zian said solemnly.”I’m not religious, so I won’t swear to God. But I can swear on my wallet.”

Mrs. Miller was stunned for a moment, thinking that this might be a unique way of swearing for the Chinese, so she didn’t ask further. Most importantly, someone was willing to help her find her daughter in the forest. Even if he was sent by the devil from hell, she couldn’t care less.

She looked warily into the visitor center and saw the inspector looking in her direction suspiciously. She immediately said,””I believe you, but it’s not convenient to talk here. Follow me.”

Zhang Zian understood and returned to his car. He motioned for the Elfins who were taking a walk outside to get in.

The temperature plummeted at night. The elves had fur to keep them wet, so they didn’t hate the cool weather, but the rising humidity made them a little uncomfortable.

“Who is this person?” Fina asked.

Zhang Zian briefly explained that her daughter had gone missing in the forest. Considering that she had participated in the search and rescue work for more than two weeks, he thought that she should be more familiar with the situation nearby, so he planned to ask her about the situation and help each other.

“That’s right,”old time tea agreed.

After Mrs. Miller’s car started, he followed her.

It was foggy.

The visibility of the road became very low, and the dark woods on both sides were like ghosts that appeared and disappeared in the fog. Zhang Zian could only follow the lights of the car in front of him from a distance, which reminded him of his driving experience in the black storm in the Sahara Desert. The difference was that one was extremely dry weather, while the other was extremely humid weather.

The two of them drove very slowly, especially when they turned corners. They were almost like snails. All the cars on the road disappeared. The number of cars they encountered could be counted on one hand. It seemed that no one was willing to drive at night in such a foggy day, as it was easy to be in danger.

After an unknown distance, Mrs. Miller’s car turned into a small road, and the road became bumpy.

After a while, the car in front stopped.

Zhang Zian also slowly stopped the car and saw a forest hut in front of him.

This was really a very simple and crude wooden hut. It was not some kind of rural area. There were only two houses, and there was a pile of firewood outside the house. It looked like a hunting hut or a place where people lived in seclusion in the mountains.

Mrs. Miller had already gotten off the car and was standing at the door of the cabin, calling him in.

Zhang Zian and the Elfins followed her into the house.

“Please take a seat. This place was lent to me by a kind person because I don’t want to leave. If my daughter is found, I want to see her immediately.”

She was busy starting the diesel generator and turning on the electricity in the wooden house. Warm lights came on and expelled the darkness.

Then, she brought in some firewood and lit the fireplace. As the flames rose, the room became warm.

All the elves were attracted by a deer head on the wall. The deer head was very lifelike, and it was nailed to the wall as a specimen. Its round black eyes reflected the light.

Such specimens were common in the United States. The owner of the house used the specimen to show that he was an excellent Hunter. Of course, the one who made the specimen might not be the current owner, but the current owner’s father, grandfather, or even an ancestor.

The elves were not used to it and felt that it was a bit cruel. Besides, weren’t they afraid of being stared at while sleeping by this deer head?

“Tea or coffee?” Mrs. Miller asked.

“Tea,” Zhang Zian said. His clothes during the day were very thin, and he really needed a cup of hot tea to warm his body.

Mrs. Miller made a cup of tea for herself, sat down, and told Zhang Zian what had happened after her daughter’s disappearance.

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