Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 33 Cattle Were Meant To Be Tied At One Place

"Master? That\'s quite rich coming from a cattle."


A reddish afterimage was seen and,

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

3 human cultivators\' heads fell to the ground.

The Villagers, the Cultivators, and the Vampires turn towards the voice and their eyes widened.

An incredibly handsome man with raven hair, pale white pace and hypnotic blood-red eyes was standing there with a disdainful but charming smile on his face.

It was clear from his features that he was a Vampire.

A devilishly handsome Vampire.

He wore a black top and bottom and a crimson long coat over the top. There was a black sword with red colour on the edge in his hands that still had blood dripping out of it.

(Author\'s Note: I don\'t know if I could describe his clothes very well, so here\'s a picture. It is something close to this)

As he gained everyone\'s attention, the Vampire smiled before he glanced at the human leader and his blood-red eyes shined.

Although intimidated by his sudden arrival, the Human leader quickly came to his senses and noticed the man\'s cultivation.

\'A Mortal? What?\' The leader\'s eyes widened in surprise.

He couldn\'t sense his cultivation at all!

He was a mortal!

Suddenly, the leader\'s regained all of his confidence and his eyes turned cold.

"A cattle? Did you just call me a Cattle?"

"Is that not what all you humans are? What? Did you by any chance forgot your place just because we Vampires have been laying low for a while?"

The leader\'s eyes darkened and a distorted smile appeared on his face.

"Hahaha! Laying low? That is an optimistic way of putting it! Hahaha!


However, let me tell you the truth, you aren\'t \'laying low\', you weaklings are Slaves! Slaves! You get that?"

The Vampire smirked in response as he replied, "Weakling, huh… allow me to show how \'weak\' we Vampires are"

Suddenly, the man disappeared as he appeared in front of another human and before the human could even register what happened, he was beheaded.

However, he wasn\'t alone, the human standing beside him had the same fate as well.

2 more human heads rolled to the ground.

This time, the leader\'s gaze turned serious.

This man in front of him was weird, he was too strong to be a mere mortal, he was now sure that this vampire was hiding his strength somehow.

He was not a mortal.

"Soldiers! He has killed 5 of our brothers, don\'t let him get away! Kill!" He ordered before he unsheathed his sword and dashed towards him along with 40 plus other human cultivators.

However, instead of moving away and avoiding them, the Vampire\'s smile widened and dashed toward the group to fight them head-on.

Ferox, Tassia and other vampires had worried expressions on their faces, Ferox wanted to say something to the man however, Tassia, who was standing beside him held his hand and shook her head.

She was telling him to wait.

Ferox did not understand how she was so calm like that, however, he then noticed that her eyes widened in disbelief.

He quickly glanced back at the battlefield, and he had the same reaction as Tassia as well.

He realized that he gave those humans too much respect when he said \'Battle Field\', this was no battlefield, it felt nothing like a battlefield at all.

It was more like the Vampire\'s playground where he was running around, having fun, while beheading some \'bugs\' that were around him.

His every move seemed so graceful and effortless.

He runs up to a human, and the human swings his sword at him, however, his sword missed the Vampire by a few millimetres and his head is beheaded.

The other humans who are around him try to attack him with their swords but as if he has eyes all over his body, he dodges those attacks so effortlessly that it looked like the humans weren\'t even trying.

He was random.

He did not stand in one place for long, just after he finished killing his target, he keeps dodging the humans\' attacks before he continues his \'walk\' towards the next target.

That was how easy everything seemed.

There was no resistance whatsoever.

"I-Is that a vampire?" One of the vampires couldn\'t believe what he was seeing and questioned.

"I-Is a vampire s-supposed to be s-so strong?" Another vampire questioned, disbelief clear in his eyes as well.

"I-I have never seen a vampire that strong before…"

"Look how he\'s slaughtering those humans… he\'s on a completely different level…"


"C-Can I be like him?"

"Heh? You think this is a fantasy? Be like him? At least not in this life"

"He\'s an anomaly, the vampires aren\'t supposed to be this strong"

One by one, the vampires started chatting with each other, some admired, some were jealous, and some couldn\'t even believe that this man was a vampire just like them.

However, everyone had one thing in common, they were astonished, astonished by how easily this man was killing humans.

Out of the initial 40 plus humans, only 20 humans were left, the rest were lying on the floor, headless.


Suddenly, the Vampire laughed crazily as his blood-red eyes shined.

"What happened? Oh so might humans? Weren\'t you so strong before? Aren\'t we Vampires nothing more than weaklings? Then why are you dying so quickly? By the hands of a Vampire at that.

Don\'t you outnumber me 1 to 40? Then what happened? Why do I feel that the mosquitoes I killed yesterday were harder to kill than you people?"

Azriel laughed out loud before an eerie smile appeared on his face and he muttered in realization.

"Ahh, I understand now, at least those mosquitoes can move around quickly, while cattle were meant to be tied at one place.

Hahaha! Do you understand now? Although we Vampires started laying low and stopped disturbing you guys, acting like cattle is in craved your human blood.


Azriel laughed out loud as he beheaded another human.

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